Agenda item

Vision Zero

To receive the report of the Team Leader, Safe and Sustainable Travel, which invites Members and local residents to provide reflections on the recently implemented Vision Zero Strategy. Additionally the report invites participants to engage in a wider discussion regarding road safety and Active Travel in the Inner North West area.


The Team Leader for Safe and Sustainable Travel submitted a report which aimed to introduce and provide a wider understanding of the recently adopted Vision Zero strategy including its aims, its action plan and an overview of the range of ongoing workstreams that fed into its development. In setting out its aims, the Committee noted the strategy’s ambition that by 2040 no one is killed or seriously injured on roads in Leeds.


Rosie Revell, Team Leader for Safer and Sustainable Travel together with Chris Kirby, Assistant Transport Planner, were in attendance to introduce the report and also provide further detail on the introduction of the ‘Leeds City Bikes’ e-bike hire service, which it was noted was due to launch in Leeds in September 2023.


As part of the consideration of this report, the Chair facilitated a wider discussion on this topic with members of the public in attendance at the meeting.


Following an introduction from attending officers on both the Vision Zero strategy and the ‘Leeds City Bikes’ scheme, the Chair opened the discussion up to both Committee Members and also members of the public to provide comments and raise any questions. In summary, the key points from those discussions included the following:


·  The relationship and interaction between pedal bikes and e-bikes on the highway, and how cyclists generally interacted with both pedestrians and other road users. The issues arising both in the city centre and wider communities were highlighted. In response, the comments and concerns were acknowledged, with the Committee being provided with an overview of the range of actions ongoing in this area;

·  The meeting discussed the aims of the ‘Leeds City Bikes’ iniative, the scheme’s delivery timeframe and the intended participants and the potential impact it would have on travel habits. Also, responding to an enquiry about the provision of family-friendly e-bikes, it was acknowledged that although the ‘Leeds City Bikes’ scheme would not provide for that at present, the comments raised were noted for further consideration and the potential alternatives for family friendly e-bike provision discussed;

·  The need to ensure that there was adequate provision for secure bike parking and storage in the city centre was highlighted and discussed;

·  Noting the comments made about what support there was for those who were reliant on car use, such as those with a disability, further information was provided on the actions being taken in this area across the range of ongoing initiatives;

·  Reference was made to the effective use of the actions that can be taken to improve behaviour of cyclists, including education and also enforcement, via initiatives such as ‘Operation Snap’;

·  The importance of a proactive and preventative approach towards road safety, including enforcement around the illegal use of e-scooters and the dangerous use of e-bikes, was highlighted. In response it was undertaken that such matters would be highlighted with West Yorkshire Police; 

·  Concerns were raised about a number of specific highways and junctions including Headingley Mount, and the need to ensure that those areas became more cycle-friendly. The comments made were acknowledged, with it being noted that they would be fed into the data being compiled. Specifically regarding the issues experienced with Headingley Mount and the surrounding area, officers undertook to feed back further information to local Ward Councillors;

·  The dangers of car users speeding and ‘pavement parking’ were raised, and the actions which were being taken to address these problems were discussed. The importance of enforcement in this area was highlighted to encourage behaviour change;

·  The delivery of ‘school streets’ was highlighted and the successes achieved by this initiative so far, with it being noted that any further take up by interested schools and communities in the ‘school streets’ initiative would be welcomed; 

·  As a result of discussions, Officers from Safer and Sustainable Travel accepted an invitation to discuss Vision Zero and road safety at a meeting of Monk Bridge Residents’ Association and also to attend a meeting of residents at the request of a Weetwood Ward Councillor.


In conclusion, the Chair thanked all for their participation in the discussion and invited members of the public to raise any further related comments or questions they had with their local Ward Councillors, which would be fed into the relevant Council service. Finally, the Chair undertook to refer key points arising from the discussion into the work being undertaken on Vision Zero by the Infrastructure, Investment and Inclusive Growth Scrutiny Board scheduled for the coming months.



(a)  That the contents of the submitted report, together with the associated presentation on the Council’s Vision Zero Strategy and Action Plan, be noted;


(b)  That the comments made during the discussion at the meeting, be noted.


(During the consideration of this item Cllr J Pryor left the meeting, whilst Cllr J Akhtar left the meeting at the conclusion of this item)


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