Agenda item

The Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy Refresh - a strategy to 2030

a.)  The Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy Refresh - a strategy to 2030 - To consider the report of the Chief Officer, Health Partnerships outlining The Health and Wellbeing Strategy refresh is an opportunity to further embed and build on the strong existing health and care and wider partnerships in the city which have effectively navigated us through an unprecedented period, and as the system continues to develop in a new phase of health and care integration. The Strategy is aligned closely to key strategic ambitions and plans including the Best City Ambition and the two other key city pillars of Inclusive Growth and Zero Carbon, as well as the refreshed West Yorkshire Partnership Strategy and Healthy Leeds Plan. The Strategy resets our continued relentless focus on improving the health of the poorest the fastest. It will be by a renewed commitment from a cross section of partners in health and care and beyond to tackle health inequalities and the impacts of poverty, which have been, and continue to be, exacerbated by the global pandemic and cost of living crisis.


b.)  Healthy Leeds Plan Refresh: Update - To consider the report of The Healthy Leeds Plan outlining the health and care contribution towards delivering the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy ambition that Leeds will be a caring city for people of all ages, where people who are the poorest improve their health the fastest. 






The report of the Chief Officer, Health Partnerships outlined the Health and Wellbeing Strategy refresh as an opportunity to further embed and build on the strong existing health and care and wider partnerships in the city which had effectively navigated the city through an unprecedented period, and as the system continued to develop in a new phase of health and care integration. The Strategy was aligned closely to key strategic ambitions and plans including the Best City Ambition and the two other key city pillars of Inclusive Growth and Zero Carbon, as well as the refreshed West Yorkshire Partnership Strategy and Healthy Leeds Plan.


After thorough consultation with a range of city partners the strategy was at a final draft endorsement phase. The Strategy maintained the ambition for Leeds whilst recognising the lived experiences of people, many of whom had experienced challenges before, during and after the pandemic specifically related to the cost of living and impact of poverty. It was noted that the Strategy lay with the remit of the Board to approve but it would also be presented to the Executive Board on the 26th of July 2023 for endorsement.


In attendance for this item were:

·  Tony Cooke, Chief Officer Health Partnerships

·  Wasim Feroze, Strategy Partnership Development Manager


Introducing the report, the Chief Officer Health Partnerships and Strategy Partner Development Manager outlined the following information:

  • A message of thanks was extended to many Council Departments, NHS and Third Sector partners for engagement and influence with the strategy.
  • The contents of the strategy reflected the financial challenge being experienced by the city and its residents.
  • Recent amendments had been implemented reflecting recent data and indicators, working closely with Marmot City and Inclusive Growth.
  • Next steps included the development of action plans to underpin each of the 12 refreshed priorities. These will be developed with partners where relevant.
  • Work will also be progressed to agree indicators to support the refreshed strategy with an aspiration to develop a single source of information e.g. data dashboard to track progress over time.
  • An accessible, condensed version of the strategy was in development which was to be launched alongside the full version in October 2023.
  • A public launch event was also planned for October 2023.


The Board discussed the following matters:

  • Big Leeds Chat colleagues proposed to utilise the opportunity of the public launch to enhance public engagement and discussion of Big Leeds Chat principles.



a)  That the engagement and work that has been undertaken with partners as part of the development of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy refresh, be noted.

b)  That the final draft of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy refresh attached at Appendix 1 of this report, be approved.

c) That the proposed next steps in the development and delivery of the Health and Wellbeing refresh as outlined in this paper, including establishing a set of clear indicators of the Strategy, be approved.

d)  That the further development and graphic design work will be carried out with an accessible document created prior to the publication and promotion of the agreed Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy refresh, be noted.


Supporting documents: