report of the Chief Planning Officer presented the Council’s
arrangements for dealing with and determining planning and
enforcement matters. The Chief Planning Officer has responsibility
to ensure that arrangements are up to date, fit for purpose,
effectively communicated, routinely complied with and monitored and has internal arrangements in
place to provide assurance in the decision-making process and to
mitigate any potential risk of challenge on the grounds of
partiality or bias.
were informed of the following points:
- The
report related to the period April 2022 to March 2023.
- The
service had faced a number of challenges
during the reporting period including backlog issues from the
pandemic, budget and resource issues, and system process
- Define
and Document sets out the national legislation and requires the
Local Planning Authority to prepare plans through planning policies
and procedures alongside the Officer’s Delegation Scheme and
other guidance such as Plans Panels Terms of Reference and Planning
Code of Good Practice.
- Training sessions are provided to Members and
- Regular meetings are held to discuss performance and decision
- The
Service has faced challenges with staff turnover and
- An
independent service review had been undertaken and the service is
currently working on comments received in relation to customer
communication, complaints and appeals.
- Monitoring is embedded in the service and benchmarking takes
place with core cities and practitioner groups.
- It was
noted that the service has seen a reduction in applications in the
last six months. However, some of the applications being received
do have complex issues.
- The
number of complaints to the service had improved.
- Working with colleagues in IDS has seen service improvement for
planning services. This included the use of the performance
dashboard and a validation checklist.
- The
service was still waiting for details of Government changes to
planning legislation and policy.
- Information is clearly communicated to staff and MS Teams has
been used, so the meetings can be recorded, and lessons
Responding to questions from Members the Chief Planning Officer
provided the following information:
- Planning Enforcement is a discretionary service which is highly
important. There are a range of measures used, so that
proportionate action can be taken. It was noted that more resources
were required for enforcement. It was acknowledged that there were
costs associated with enforcement action and these needed to be
balanced against the risks.
- The
Chief Planning Officer gave assurance that the methodology used for
enforcement action was consistent and there was guidance on the
procedures. The service was working with colleagues in Finance and
Legal in relation to any enforcement action. It was noted that a
briefing could be provided for Members.
- Members offered to provide examples where in their view
inconsistent approaches had caused delays and costs. The Chief
Planning Officer said he would review any examples that were sent
to him. He said at any one time there was 1,000 cases ranging from
modest breaches to significant matters.
- The
Committee were advised that the planning comments by a third party
were not covered in this report, as it was not part of the same
reporting period. The Committee noted that this matter would form
part of a report to the relevant Scrutiny Board in
RESOLVED – To consider and note
the positive assurances provided in the report and future steps to
provide additional assurance in the process.
Cllr Firth joined
the meeting at 10:55 during this item.