Senior Head of Audit, Corporate Governance and Insurance presented
a report providing a source of assurance that the internal control
environment is operating as intended through a summary of the
Internal Audit activity for the period from April to August
Committee were informed of the following points:
- 27
reports had been issued in the reporting period.
- Appendix A provided a summary of the work completed by Internal
Audit during the reporting period. Whilst there were some limited
assurance opinions, this reinforced the success of Audit planning
and the opportunity taken to add value. It was highlighted that
Directorates had responded positively to the actions agreed and
that follow ups would be made on the recommendations.
- It was
the view that the trackers had increased a level of openness, and
these were detailed in the table on page 88 of the agenda pack.
Members attention was directed to an error in the table in relation
to Children and Families. The figure under the 6-12 months in the
column marked High should read 0 not 8.
- Appendix B provided a summary on the various activities that
provide assurance on the performance and quality of the work
undertaken by Internal Audit, along with the continuous improvement
of the section. It was noted that the team had performed and
adjusted well after the recent restructure.
- The
Team have planned assignments as the audit year rolls to the Annual
Opinion and there was confidence there was a robust process for
prioritising the resources available for audits this
response to questions and comments from Members the following
information was provided:
- In
relation to the table at 4.4 of Appendix 1 it asked for more
information in relation to the opinion given for Special
Educational Needs. Members were advised that the controls
introduced to address the weaknesses found in previous audits had
not had time to be embedded and the opinion in the table related to
- Members requested that a ‘total column’ be included
on the table on page 88. This request was noted for future
- It was
noted that 2 of the specific audits on schools were recorded as
behind on targets as there were access restrictions to the trackers
and it was difficult to get progress updates. The Committee were
advised that both schools were on the schedule for follow
- The
team were continually reviewing processes and reflecting on
intelligence provided, but this approach was better than had
- In
response to a question around Education Health Care Packages, it
was noted that Scrutiny was currently engaged in looking at this
area and that it is important for that work to run its
- It was
noted that the Annual Report did used to be in July. However, after
Covid the report had been moved to November. Discussions had taken
place with partner authorities, and it was not uncommon for the
Annual Report to be presented later in the year.
- Members asked if some of the outstanding transformational
recommendations were reliant on IT. It was agreed that
opportunities will be explored to provide greater information on
the themes and root causes behind recommendations not implemented
in accordance with the target date.
Committee’s Independent Member wished it to be noted that she
thanked Internal Audit on the actions they had taken with the
tracking process. It provided the Committee with more information
and in some cases that did lead to more questions, but this was an
improvement. She said ‘well done’ to the
receive the Internal Audit Update Report covering the period from
April to August 2023 and note the work undertaken by Internal Audit
during the period covered by the report.
b) note
that there have been no limitations in scope, and nothing has
arisen to compromise the independence of Internal Audit during the
reporting period.
receive the report providing information relating to the Monitoring
of Urgent Decisions covering the period April to August