Agenda item

22/07335/RM & 22/07336/RM – Reserved Matters applications for residential development of 293 dwellings within the Middle Quadrant (Morwick Green) of the East Leeds Extension pursuant to outline planning approval 20/04464/OT.

To consider the report of the Chief Planning Officer for Reserved Matters applications for residential development of 293 dwellings within the Middle Quadrant (Morwick Green) of the East Leeds Extension pursuant to outline planning approval 20/04464/OT.


The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented reserved matters applications for housing proposals within the Middle Quadrant of the East Leeds Extension (ELE). There were two separate applications for consideration, this approach to the submission of separate applications was attributable to land ownership matters and the intention was for Taylor Wimpy to build out both sites. The layout had been developed as if it were a single application and a total of 293 dwellings across both applications are now proposed.


The matters reserved for determination comprised of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale.


At the North and East Plans Panel meeting on 29th June 2023 Members resolved to note the content of the report, provided views in relation to the questions posed, and agreed that the applications should be returned to the Panel for formal determination due to uncertainty regarding what the final housing mix (in terms of unit sizes rather than overall provision) of the affordable housing offer would comprise of.


This report provided details relating to both applications following further negotiations and included an update of the changes made following the feedback provided by the Panel Members during the June meeting.


Members were provided with the following information:

·  Woodland area was to be retained.

·  Pedestrian area was to be retained.

·  Members had requested additional planting along the East Link Orbital Road (ELOR) to reduce noise levels. It was noted that the Council could look to do further planting in addition to the planting already proposed along the side of the ELOR.

·  It was noted that police enforcement laybys are positioned along the route of ELOR but there was no mention of fixed cameras currently.

·  The Panel was informed that the details of the site were the same as in June. There were to be two character areas the Southern side would be contemporary design whilst the northern side would be more traditional design. Slides were shown of the different designs and layouts. The properties would have the benefit of driveways.

·  The site would include pavements and a cycle lane. There would also be greenspace with seven different play areas with various facilities.

·  It was noted that at the outline stage it had been identified that SUD’s features would be required with a certain capacity and the layout provided for these.

·  The developers had taken on comments from Cllr Grahame that there was a need for larger affordable units. The site would now have nearly 60% of 3 and 4 bed properties as part of the revised affordable housing offer which would be pepper potted through the site.

·  The blocks of flats would be of both traditional and contemporary in design and have dual access points. The flats would have generous balconies and access to communal amenity space.

·  The site would have two bungalow units with 2 bedrooms as part of the conditions for accessible homes there would also be 10 flats to be used as accessible homes across the site.

·  Members were advised that the three storey properties were not shown to be prominent in the street scene.

·  No further representations had been received.

·  The issue in relation to swifts had been dealt with within the report and was to be covered by a condition on the outline permission.

·  Two further conditions had been added in relation to bin stores and the opportunity to look at making a dual footpath and cycle route on the western pedestrian route if practical.


In response to questions from Members the Panel were provided with the following information:

·  It was noted that no final details in relation to the play areas had been received. However, advice would be sought from Parks and Countryside in relation to fencing and play equipment etc.

·  It was noted that parking provision was deemed adequate, such that there was not deemed to be the need for any further parking restrictions (such as double yellow lines) to prevent on-street parking issues.  The spine road in particular will be subject to the s38 adoption procedure once constructed / completed, such that any issues which arise of on-street parking on the spine road could be addressed at that point if necessary.

·  There was a condition discharge application currently submitted and it was expected that the development would comply with all relevant Council policies in relation to its sustainability credentials.  In addition, the applicant had indicated previously that there would be no gas boilers and some solar panels were likely.


Members had no further comments.


RESOLVED – To grant planning permission for approval of application 22/07335/RM with the following conditions:

1.  Approved plans.

2.  Temporary arrangements for car club to be agreed.

3.  Temporary arrangements for bus turning to be agreed.

4.  Surfacing materials to be agreed.

5.  Garages not to be converted and retained for cycle parking.

6.  Details of pedestrian/cycle route through woodland to be submitted and agreed.

7.  Details of bin storage to be submitted and agreed.


RESOLVED – To grant planning permission for the approval of application 22/07336/RM with the following conditions:

1.  Approved plans.

2.  Temporary arrangements for bus turning to be agreed.

3.  Surfacing materials to be agreed.

4.  Garages not to be converted and retained for cycle parking.

5.  Details of pedestrian/cycle route through woodland to be submitted and agreed.

6.  Details of bin storage to be submitted and agreed.

Supporting documents: