Agenda item

Application for the Grant of a Premises Licence for Unit 2B, The Gateway North, Crown Point Road, Hunslet, Leeds, LS9 8BZ

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory regarding the grant of a premises licence made by Nicholas James Loft, for Unit 2B, The Gateway North, Crown Point Road, Hunslet, Leeds, LS9 8BZ.



The report of the Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory presented an application for the grant of a premises licence made by Nicholas James Loft, for Unit 2B, The Gateway North, Crown Point Road, Hunslet, Leeds, LS9 8BZ.


Prior to the meeting, supplementary information was published online and circulated to Sub-Committee Members. The information related to correspondence from the applicant and objector, as well as agreed conditions with West Yorkshire Police, that have been incorporated into the Operating Schedule.


The following were in attendance for this item:

·  Chris Rees-Gay – Applicant’s representative

·  Nicholas James Loft – Applicant and Proposed Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS)

·  Sam Howarth – Applicant’s Business Partner


The Legal Officer outlined the procedure for the hearing and the Licensing Officer presented the application. The following information was highlighted:

·  The premises is intended to operate as a bar/eatery, proposing the sale by retail of alcohol and performance of recorded music.

·  The premises has previously held a premises licence, trading as The Gateway Bar & Grill but due to the Premises Licence Holder’s company going into liquidation, the licence lapsed in March 2021.

·  In summary, the application is for the Sale of Alcohol (for consumption both on and off the premises) Everyday – 11:00 until 01:00, Recorded Music Everyday 08:00 until 01:00 and the hours the premises proposes to be open to the public are Everyday 08:00 until 01:30.

·  A representation has been received from Environmental Protection Team (EPT) in their capacity as a responsible authority. In this instance, the operating schedule has been amended to include measures agreed with EPT.

·  The application has attracted representations, both in support and in opposition from local residents and a local ward councillor.

·  Conditions as agreed with West Yorkshire Police (WYP) were set out in the supplementary information.


The Applicant’s representative addressed the Sub-Committee, and provided the following information:

·  The 10pm cut off point to use the rear entrance is considered ‘standard’ in the centre of Leeds. The applicant does not envisage any issues in terms of noise with the 10pm cut off point and there will be no audible speakers placed outside. Customers using the premises will be made aware of low noise levels before entering outside and be told 30 minutes before the outside area is closing, to enable them to slowly make their way back inside. An earlier close time in summer months is not ideal.

·  The rear entrance for seating is larger than the front.

·  There are flats above the premises, as well as offices.

·  There will be no door supervisors as it is craft beer and food led, and the applicant doesn’t want to create an environment that will require door staff.

·  The average pint of beer is priced at £6, and it is believed that this will not attract a ‘certain type’ of audience.


In summarising, the applicant’s representative explained that the premises is not intended to be what it was previously, and the operators are experienced enough to deal with the 10pm closing time of the external area. There is a similar number of supporting representations as those who objected. Environmental Protection Team has not objected to the 10pm cut off point for external areas.


At this point in the meeting, the Sub-Committee moved into private session to deliberate on the application. In reaching its decision, members considered the report of the Head of Elections, Licensing and Regulatory, including the written representations opposing the application. The Sub Committee also had regard to the relevant provisions of the Licensing Act 2003, the Guidance issued under Section 182 of the Act and Leeds City Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy. The Sub Committee also considered the oral representations, contributions, and explanations from the applicant and objector.


RESOLVED – To grant the application as applied for subject to the conditions as agreed with Environmental Protection Team and as set out in the supplementary information.


Supporting documents: