Agenda item

The Implications of the Network North Government Announcement for Leeds

To consider the report of the Director of City Development which, following the Government’s recent publication of the Network North document, sets out the Network North proposals for Leeds and considers the interfaces and impact that this may have on existing infrastructure programmes, together with the operation and growth of the city. 


(Report to follow)



The Director of City Development submitted a report in response to the Government’s recent announcement and publication of the Network North document, which cancelled HS2 Phase 2, HS2 East and theIntegrated Rail Plan study into how to bring HS2 trains to Leeds, and committed to invest £36bn in alternative transport schemes across the country. The report presented the references to Leeds within that document and considered the interfaces and impact that these may have upon existing infrastructure programmes, and also the operation and growth of the city.


With the agreement of the Chair, the submitted report had been circulated to Board Members as a late item of business prior to the meeting for the reasons as detailed in Minute No. 46.


By way of introduction to the report, the Executive Member provided an overview of the key points within it, including an update on the current position following the Government’s Network North announcement on 4th October 2023, and highlighting that whilst the Network North document made reference to Leeds, further detail was required on such matters in order to better understand the implications for the city.


In terms of next steps following this announcement, emphasis was placed upon the importance of ensuring that a collaborative, cross-party approach was taken on such matters and when engaging with Government in order to deliver the strongest case for the city and the wider city-region in securing the required funding moving forward.


The Chief Executive provided an update to the Board regarding the National Infrastructure Commission, which had today launched its second national infrastructure assessment report, in which it had backed the case for major investment into England’s largest regional cities, including Leeds, to improve public transport provision.  It was also highlighted that the additional station in Leeds was still deemed to be crucial to the future of the city, and moving forward, emphasis was placed upon the Council’s commitment to working closely with Government on such matters with the aim of delivering those key infrastructure improvements for the benefit of the city and the whole network.



(a)  That the implications of the Department for Transport Network North (document as at Appendix A to the submitted report) Government announcement for Leeds, be noted;


(b)  That Government assurance be sought that the rail commitments in the Integrated Rail Plan and Rail Network Enhancements Pipeline will remain commitments apart from HS2 Phase 2; and that the Board’s endorsement be given to the Council writing to Government seeking clarity regarding the proposed Leeds Area Study which incorporated a study into Leeds Station Capacity and which is still required to understand how to accommodate the revised services referenced by Network North, including whether a T-shaped station is required;


(c)  That the Board endorse a continued collaborative approach to development and implementation of the detail behind the proposals in the Network North document, the development of a new Leeds Station Integrated Masterplan and Integrated Transport Growth Strategy, which is critical to ensuring that Leeds remains a resilient, globally competitive and investible city that continues to operate for all our businesses and residents.


(d)  That further reports be brought to Executive Board as more information becomes available, including safeguarding and future consenting strategies.

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