Agenda item

Update on the work of the Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission and Leeds Climate Commission

To receive and consider an update on the work of the Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission and Leeds Climate Commission. The Co-Director of the Yorkshire & Humber Climate Commission and the Research Fellow from Leeds Climate Commission will attend the meeting to present the report.


The Committee received a Briefing Report on the work of the Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission and the Leeds Climate Commission. The paper provided context to discussions on priorities for integrated climate actions across the city and how the Commissions could effectively work with the Committee.


Rosa Foster, Co-Director, Yorkshire & Humber Climate Commission and Amelia Duncan, Leeds Climate Commission Research Fellow, attended the meeting and provided a presentation which included the following matters:


·  The first Climate Commission was established in 2017 in Leeds, recognising that the public/private and Third Sector needed to work in partnership to address climate change and had received funding to continue until 2030. 20 Climate Commissions (CC’s) were now established nationwide.


·  The Yorkshire & Humber CC (Y&H CC) was established in 2021 in response to regional flooding and was funded to continue to 2030. The Y&H CC aims to build a reginal picture and evidence base and;

-  Mobilise existing capacity across all organisations to act on climate change,

-  Discuss the issues and develop a collective approach and response to national policy,

-  Focus on communities and engagement,

-  Establish a Public Affairs Group in 2024,

-  Review and analyse progress regularly.


·  Referencing the Update from the Director of City Development (minute 22 above) it was reported that the Yorkshire Leaders Board had recently approved 8 planning principles which could be shared with the Committee following the meeting.


·  The Leeds CC had undertaken a strategic review and refresh of its principles including specific pieces of work to independently evaluate progress on climate action in the city – to identify what has been successful, and what the city has struggled to achieve.


·  The next steps for the Leeds CC were outlined as:

-  To convene, learn from the review and to facilitate the future approach,

-  To act as a catalyst and driver for change and collaboration

-  To publish the plans for next steps and appoint new commissioners in 2024.


During discussions, the following matters were considered:

·  Recognition that not all residents used digital or social media outlets and some communities interested and active in climate change would not access the data to be published through Common Place. It was noted that the establishment of the Public Affairs Group would consider how to reach those communities. The roles of local networks such as schools and Neighbourhood Networks were highlighted as useful contacts.


·  The importance of social/cultural work to build enthusiasm for climate change work. A suggestion was made that the Y&H CC could undertake an experimental campaign or mapping exercise on what is available in communities and to find ways to reach key people embedded in communities to highlight the offer. The Committee was requested to consider the suggestion and provide information for the Y&H CC to consider.


·  The importance of encouraging people to act confidently to tackle climate change. It was noted that young people can feel hopeless in the face of the enormity of the issue, but there was resilience and knowledge in communities to drive the change needed. The key was being able to tackle feelings of disenfranchisement and it was important to ensure positive messages and results were communicated to show how every small action can make a positive change, as much as the big strategy ideas.


·  The work of the Climate Action Leeds groups was highlighted, such as the Seacroft group, and an invitation at attend local group meetings was accepted.


·  Recognition that being part of the CC regional programme would be beneficial in terms of sharing best practice with partners; accessing other small networks and connecting with stakeholders; being able to link small local projects to the University resources and amplifying voices being able to respond to and lobby for national policy.


In conclusion, the Committee welcomed the offer for the Climate Commission representatives to report back to the Committee and/or its Working Groups in the future.



a)  To thank the attendees for their presentation

b)  To note the contents of the Briefing Report and views shared during discussions.


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