Agenda item

Open Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 4.16 and 4.17 of the Community Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Community Committee. This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair. No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.


In accordance with paragraphs 4.16 and 4.17 of the Community Committee Procedure Rules, a period of 10 minutes was allocated for members of the public to make representations or ask questions to the Community Committee.


Run for All attended and explained the changes to the Rob Burrow Marathon which is to be held on 12th May 2024.


Route alterations have been made to an area in Headingley which has been pedestrianised and to the route through Otley. The route through Otley will take in more of the town centre to make it better for spectators and businesses. It was noted that entertainment would be provided in the Market Square. The Eccup Lane section of the route had been removed from the route to allow for the longer route through Otley.


Run for All had engaged with the parish and Town Councils and offered to attend any of the meetings as the marathon gets closer.


In response to feedback from last year the bag drop for competitors has been changed and there would be more marshals to assist and signpost to the designated areas.


It was recognised that sections of the route are difficult, and the team have worked with running clubs to provide motivational support to runners. Along the route there will be more water stations and entertainment.


Transport from the City Centre would pick up from the O2 Academy and drop off at Queenswood Drive. The Park and Ride at Stourton and Elland Road would also be used, these would drop off at Queenswood Crescent.


Run for All are still looking for anyone who would like to offer assistance from the community.


The Committee thanked Run for All for attending and providing an update and taking into consideration the feedback from the Committee in relation to the route through Otley.


The Vicar of St James’ Parish Church, Horsforth attended to tell the Committee about two projects, The Horsforth Shed and the Community Pantry.


The Horsforth Shed has been supported by the Community Committee. It has repurposed the scout hut which had fallen into disrepair. During Covid the community had worked to provide a new roof, clad walls, and fit out the space as a workshop.


The Horsforth Shed is run by volunteers, although they have secured funding to employ one person at the project. The project currently supports groups from Southway, Lighthouse West Yorkshire, St Georges Crypt and for social Prescribing.


The Community Pantry has been supported by the Community Committee. Since Covid food banks have been located at various venues such as Lister Hill Baptist Church, Ireland Wood, St Andrews, Butcher Hill, and St Stephens at Kirkstall. However, families from Horsforth were having to travel to collect provisions. Therefore, it was suggested that St James’ should host a Community Pantry at the Parish Centre. With the help of the Horsforth Shed and the community the foundations are now in place, and it is hoped that the Community Pantry will open in June 2024.


This will be run via a membership scheme whereby members pay £6 per week, £5 will be for the shopping providing £30 worth of food and £1 will be saved using Leeds Credit Union. Membership will be through referrals from the Children’s Centre, MHA Community and Children’s Services. The Community Pantry will be run by volunteers.


It is hoped that as the project progresses there would also be a café. The Committee were invited to visit once the project is operating.


The Committee thanked the Vicar of St James’ for the update and for the projects in the area. They were impressed by the speed at which the Community Pantry was progressing.



Cllrs Campbell and Edwards joined the meeting during this item.