Agenda item

23/01733/FU - Land Off Bradford Road East Ardsley

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for residential development of 56 no. dwellings with associated landscaping and infrastructure at Land Off Bradford Road East Ardsley.



The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for a residential development comprising of 56 no. dwellings with associated landscaping and infrastructure at Land Off Bradford Road East Ardsley.


Photographs and slides were shown throughout the officer presentation, and the following information was provided:

·  The application relates to a greenfield site that  is currently allocated for a new school in the Site Allocations Plan (SAP) under SAP Ref: HG5-8 which is located in the Outer South West Housing Market Characteristic Area (HMCA).

·  The application proposes a development of 56 new dwellings.

·  The application is a full planning application seeking permission for all details and follows the approval of detail planning reference 17/04308 which provided consent for 299 dwellings on the adjacent land by the same applicant.

·  To the south-east of the site is where the listed St. Michael’s Church is visible above some of the existing houses and tree canopies.

·  The application site is bound to the west by Bradford Road, with residential properties along Woodlands Drive. The Copse and Woodlands Close adjoining the sites southern boundary.

·  There is a good mixture of parking to the front of properties and drives provided.

·  The dwellings are arranged off a single spine road with a small cul-de-sac at the mid-point and terminating in short private drives towards the eastern end.

·  The area to the front of the application site is public open land.

·  The development does not over-dominate neighbouring sites.

·  Officers provided an overview of the different house-types to be provided on-site as well as confirmation that there is a single bungalow proposed.


Councillor Foster attended the Panel meeting and provided the following information:

·  The council originally considered the site for a new school, and this highlights a geographical importance for East Ardsley.

·  There has been no effort to establish a community space in East Ardsley for its residents.

·  Most people must use their car to get places and there is already a failing public transport system.

·  It is believed that there is a drive to install high value properties rather than closing the gap of deprivation and providing affordable housing.

·  The application site has education land uses until 2028 and there is a legal obligation to allow an application to come forth for that need.

·  The land has significance importance to the community, and it is an ideal school location.


The applicant informed the Panel, providing the following information:

·  Paragraph 72 of the submitted report should read ‘Flood Zone 1’ and not ‘2’.

·  Paragraph 52 should read ’21 2-beds 37.5%’ which would mean this sits above the relevant policy in terms of housing mix.

·  A CIL contribution of 321k is considered reasonable and will be provided.

·  Birth rates for 2022 have been looked at, and they are falling and continue to fall. Therefore, it is considered that education land is not required. 

·  The remitted SAP meant that there are allocations not going ahead, and there are 1,137 dwellings less than the SAP originally expected.

·  The site is not suitable for alternative uses such as retail and employment.

·  It is considered that it would be a missed opportunity for Barratt Homes if they do not move onto this piece of land. There is an existing workforce on-site and it is a natural progression for the applicant.

·  There are several benefits in terms of the CIL contribution bettering local community facilities, and the provision of affordable housing.


 Further to questions to officers, the following was confirmed:

·  There will be a single point of access for 355 dwellings. There is not a figure on the limit for a single point of access. The junction has been assessed and it is considered that it has met the transport capacity assessment and there is spare capacity at the junction.

·  It is reported that over a 5-year period, births across Ardsley have dropped 22%. The existing schools in the area have capacity to take on new children as a result of the development.

·  If the application site was used for a school, this would currently impact on other primary schools in the local area, and it would not be financially viable.

·  Other members raised concern regarding the possible demographic implications in the future and were concerned regarding a changing demographic.

·  The layout of the application site is considered ‘uninspiring’ and there are very few trees proposed in the open greenspace. It is believed that there is a missed opportunity in terms of the layout.

·  The community has already accepted 299 dwellings and the proposals are in addition to that figure.


At this point in the meeting, a motion was put forward to defer and delegate approval to the Chief Planning Officer subject to officers having conversations with the applicant regarding design and layout. Officers requested that additional information on specific requests are relayed to officers to be able to undertake discussions with the applicant.


Prior to a vote being taken on the motion above, further comments were made by Panel Members on the following:

·  Members requested that an alternative layout is provided to better utilise the greenspace and to provide additional tree planting / options for community use such as a ‘community orchid’.

·  Members commented on the single access and explained it would be better if there were 2 points of access. Officers confirmed that advice has already been received from the Highways department and this has been assessed.

·  Figures for EN1 to understand how the applicant will meet their obligation to meet renewable targets.


An amended motion was made, to include specific details regarding landscaping and the segregation of pedestrian and vehicular movement and to minimise vehicles parking on grass verges. It was also requested that the Chairs approval is gained on the final proposal before permission being granted.


Upon voting on the amended motion for the reasons as set out above, it was subsequently moved and seconded and therefore it was

RESOLVED – To defer and delegate approval to the Chief Planning Officer for approval subject to gaining the Chairs approval, as well as the addition of:

·  Reference to Departure added to recommendation.

·  Case officer to negotiate improved planting including trees to greenspace to improve appearance and biodiversity.

·  Case officer to negotiate measures to be added to layout to separate pedestrian and vehicular movement and to minimise vehicles parking on verges.


Supporting documents: