Agenda item

Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy Action Plan Annual Update 2023

To consider the report of the Director of City Development which presents the second Annual Progress Report of the Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy (CLTS) Action Plan, covering the period from October 2022 to October 2023. 


The Chair introduced the item, noting that following the approval of the Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy Action Plan in October 2021, the Scrutiny Board (Infrastructure, Investment & Inclusive Growth) committed to receive an annual update on progress.


The Chair put on record the Scrutiny Board’s congratulations to the Development Team for their recognition in 3 categories in the 2023 Transport Awards that took place at the end of 2023.


The Chair noted that separate dedicated sessions have taken place with the Scrutiny Board in relation to Vision Zero and the Future of Bus Provision in the City. Members were therefore encouraged to prioritise scrutiny of other subjects during the time available for this item.


Those in attendance for this item were:


-  Cllr Helen Hayden (Executive Member)

-  Cllr Peter Carlill (Deputy Chair, WYCA Transport Committee)

-  Gary Bartlett (Chief Officer, Transportation and Highways)

-  Paul Foster (Transport Planning Manager)


Gary Bartlett introduced the item, noting the ambition of the strategy had been recognised by the Department for Transport.


Paul Foster noted that around £750m has been invested in infrastructure projects across the city including Armley Gyratory, East Leeds Orbital Road and Regent Street Flyover in recent years.


Referring to the analysis of extensive data gathering in the city, Paul highlighted the challenge of identifying behaviour change that has been driven by interventions linked to the strategy as opposed to more general trends that have emerged post-pandemic.


Paul highlighted that the change in mode split in the city centre since 2021/22 coincided with changes to city square, which have made walking and cycling more attractive.


There has been an increase in the overall number of vehicle kilometres travelled and it is anticipated that national data will show a similar trend in carbon emissions once that is published.


Paul Foster and Cllr Carlill clarified member queries relating to bus patronage figures in the report.


A member of the Board queried whether there is a correlation between an increase in the number of LGV (vans) and increased internet shopping facilitated by people working from home.


Assurances were sought about whether interventions to promote improved air quality and active travel, are discouraging car travel to such an extent that the city centre economy is being adversely impacted.


Members were assured that economic data shows the city centre recovery is ongoing with increases in footfall, particularly over the Christmas period, and rail travel. Councillors were reminded that there are several car parks available for journeys where the city centre is the destination. However, most car journeys through city square had previously been traffic ‘passing through’ the city centre.


Cllr Carlill highlighted that patterns of bus patronage have changed and expressed an ambition for the network to adapt to reflect those new trends.


It was confirmed that following a trial of powered two-wheeler access to bus lanes on the A65, these arrangements will be in place on a permanent basis. However, future expansion remains under review.


Other matters discussed by Board members included:


-  An update about the pilot schemes involving Starship delivery robot service.


-  The future use of cargo bikes.


-  The need for improved directional signage across the city.


-  Access to disability parking spaces while major works are being carried out in the city.


-  Varying air quality on different sections of the road network. A report on air quality will be considered by the Executive Board shortly.


-  Bus fares for children and young people.


-  Access to operational data from bus operators.


-  The next stage of consultation on a mass transit system for Leeds.


-  The future expansion of school streets and the criteria associated with their introduction.


-  The use of the e-bike hire scheme that was launched in September 2023.


A member of the Scrutiny Board requested clarity over parking arrangements linked to White Rose station. Officers agreed to seek further information from West Yorkshire Combined Authority.


Cllr Buckley left the meeting at 12.57pm.


RESOLVED: The Scrutiny Board noted and considered the contents of the Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy Annual Update.

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