Agenda item

PREAPP/2300136 - Land to the East of Crown Point Road and West of Black Bull Street, Leeds.

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Plannin Officer regarding a pre-application presentation of proposed development comprising a mixed-use development of up to 502 residential units, multi storey car park and street-level commercial units of 1,900m2 (Use Class E) with landscaped public realm at land to the east of Crown Point Road and west of Black Bull Street, Leeds.


The report of the Chief Planning Officer informed Members of a pre-application presentation for a proposed development comprising a mixed-use development of up to 502 residential units, multi storey car park and street level commercial units of 1900 m2 (use Class E) with landscaped public realm at land to the east of Crown Point Road and west of Black Bull Street, Leeds.


Members visited the site prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the presentation.


The proposals were for Phase 2 of the Aire Park.  Phase 1 had received permission in 2018 and was now under development.


The applicant was invited to address the Panel.  The following was highlighted:


·  The first phase included a mixed-use development of up to 850 homes, a 400 bed hotel, office space and other uses including commercial, education and health.

·  At the heart of the scheme was the development of a city park which would be over two hectares in size.

·  There were currently live applications for residential development and refurbishment of the Tetley building.

·  Phase 2 would include the development of 502 new homes; commercial space; expansion of the city park; a multi-storey car park and new cycle and pedestrian links to the city centre and Leeds Dock.

·  Introduction of new access points to the site and other highways improvements.

·  The maximum parameters in the masterplan and the introduction of a design code for the planning process.

·  The phase 2 masterplan overview – development of the residential buildings to the east of the site and multi-storey car park along with the further development of the city park.

·  Building heights – the tallest building was expected to be no more than 28 storeys.  There had been consultations with Historic England who had supported the proposals of the stepping down in heights towards Leeds Minster and Chadwick Lodge.  There had also been wind, sunlight and daylight modelling.

·  Design would have certainty and clarity through the key design principles in the design code.

·  City Park – this phase would bring over one hectare of the park into use. There would be the provision of large open spaces which could be used for sports and games as well as areas of seating.

·  Community Engagement – There had been extensive consultation throughout including leaflet drops and community events. There had also been consultation with Ward Councillors.  Positive feedback had been received.


In response to comments and questions from the Panel, discussion included the following:


·  Efforts had been made to consult all interested parties, Leeds Civic Trust were aware of the proposals and the applicant would seek to engage them.

·  It was felt that the proposed heights of the buildings were suitable for the area and would be supported by neighbours.

·  The amount of planting as depicted in the slides looked good.

·  Safety for women and girls in parks and what facilities they would like to see – this had been discussed with landscape architects.

·  Would the district heating scheme be utilised as part of the plans?

·  The mix of uses was fine and would likely change in the future.

·  Some concern regarding the size and massing of buildings next to the park.

·  Crown Point Road would bisect the park.  That road has been reduced from two lanes to one and there will be additional crossings and a segregated cycle lane.  There would also be safety bollards at strategic points around the park.

·  There would be sufficient lighting and natural surveillance around the site and park.  There had been work with West Yorkshire Police with regards to safety.

·  It was intended to provide balconies with the apartments.

·  Permission had been obtained to demolish heritage assets on the site in July 2023.  There was significant contamination present and it was required to do the demolition as soon as possible to prevent any plumage and to prevent any delay to development.

·  The City Park would be a welcome addition to the area.

·  In response to questions outline din the report, the following was discussed:

o  Members were happy with the proposed mix of uses (residential, commercial and a multi-storey car park)

o  Members broadly supported the emerging scale and form of development although further information was required regarding the scale and form of the development and a better understanding of the need for the density of development.

o  Members considered the emerging approach to landscape and public realm was acceptable.

o  It was broadly felt that more information was required regarding the provision for transportation and connectivity.


RESOLVED – That the report and discussion be noted.



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