Agenda item

Inner West Community Committee Finance Report

This report provides the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund, Capital Budget, as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget for 2024/25.


The report of the Head of Locality Partnerships provided the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund, Capital Budget, as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget for 2024/25.


The Locality Officer presented the report and provided the following information:

·  Members attention was drawn to Paragraph 15 of the submitted report which set out the ‘minimum conditions’ for all delegated decisions for the Inner West Community Committee.

·  The Community Committee currently has a balance of £76,097.51 A full breakdown of the projects was listed in Table 1 of the report.

·  Members were requested to consider the 18 projects listed at Paragraph 23.

·  Since the last meeting on 12th March the following projects had been approved:

o  Accessible toilets in Bramley Shopping Centre - £8,500.00

o  Community events in Armley and Gotts Park (Purchasing of equipment for events) - £2,935.56

o  Tennis Court Improvements – Burley Park - £10,876,64

o  Stanningley Park MUGA resurfacing - £36,000.00

o  NWCA – Strengthening local connections and centre refurb project - £9,160.00

o  LS12 – Creative - £6,270.00 

·  It was noted that no projects had been declined since the last meeting.

·  Monitoring information would be requested from all the supported projects and monitoring information would be available in the report to the next meeting.

·  The Youth Activity Fund had a remaining balance of £17,001.03. A full breakdown of the projects was available on request. Table 2 showed that total of £25,851.00 has been allocated to projects.

·  Table 3 provided information on the amount spent to date and the projects supported.

·  Table 4 showed the community skips provided by the Committee.

·  The Inner West Community Committee has a capital budget of £1,957.27 available to spend. Members are asked to note the capital allocation summarised in Table 5.

·  The Committee was advised there is £13,461.49 currently available to spend in the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget (CIL). Table 6 provided information on projects supported from the CIL budget.


Members discussions included:

·  In relation to an application from WYP – Leeds West Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) - Inner West Anti-Social Behaviour, Road Safety and Targeted operations 2024-25. Members requested that the NPT liaise with the Ward Members on areas to be targeted and for information on the operations, so they can feedback to residents.

·  In relation to the application from Leedswatch for the Inner West CCTV – Members requested more feedback on the information being captured by the cameras.

·  In relation to Armley Spring Market and Armley Festival 2024 – From the Armley Action Team CIC – Members requested information on match funding, stallholders and where attendees to the event were travelling from. It was noted that the event organiser of the Kirkstall Festival had offered to provide assistance and resources for the project.

·  In relation to the Bramley Figure Drawing and Portraiture Class it was noted that Cllr Parnham at this point in the meeting declared a non-pecuniary interest as his partner attended the class. He had been advised by his partner that the class was well attended by approximately 20 people from across the Inner West area.

·  Cllr Bithell as the Council’s Obesity Champion provided more information about the Living in Bigger Bodies project as she had been involved in the work for this project which was the first of its type in the country. It was noted that the project would be held at Milford Rugby Club as it was the view that this was easily accessible from all areas in the Inner West. Interested schools in the Inner West Area would be asked to communicate this project to pupils and families. It was suggested that the Locality Team check if this project could be funded through the Youth Activities Fund (YAF). Armley Ward Members decided to defer for more information about how people would attend this project from the Armley area and requested that information and funding for transport be investigated.

·  Cllr Cunningham declared a non-pecuniary interest in the project – The V Word: Participation Programme, as she is an ambassador for SHEnanigans, one of the project partners.

·  Members were advised that an injection into the Capital Fund was due for 2024, and they would be informed of this.




a. Approve the minimum conditions as set out in paragraph 15 of this report.

b. Note details of the Wellbeing Budget position (Table 1)

c. Consider the Wellbeing proposals for the suggested projects (paragraph 21)





Amount requested



ACTS Project (Active Commitment to Transition Safely)

On The Verge UK CIC


Bramley and Stanningley (Wellbeing)


Armley Leisure Centre Youth Space

LCC Communities Team (Interplay, Armley Leisure Centre, Barca, New Wortley Community Association, Youth Services)


Armley (Wellbeing)


Community Engagement (Ringfence)

LCC Communities Team

£750.00 (£250.00 per ward) (Wellbeing)

Armley, Bramley and Stanningley and Kirkstall


Youth Summit (Ringfence)

LCC Communities Team

£2,250.00 (£750.00 per ward)

Armley, Bramley and Stanningley and Kirkstall


Kinder Leeds

Barca Leeds

£1,250.00 (Wellbeing)

Bramley & Stanningley

Declined – would encourage to apply for Small Grant

Take 3 Parenting Project

Bramley Cluster Children and Family Services

£4,160.00 (Wellbeing)

Bramley & Stanningley


Bramley Festive Light Switch On Event

LCC Breeze

£7,020.00 (Wellbeing)

Bramley & Stanningley

Approved £4,000

IW ASB, Road Safety and Targeted Operations 2024-25

WYP – West Leeds NPT

£4,980.00 (£1,660.00 per ward) (Wellbeing)

Armley, Bramley and Stanningley and Kirkstall



LCC Leedswatch

£6,000.00 (£2,000.00 per ward) (Wellbeing)

Armley, Bramley and Stanningley and Kirkstall


Armley Spring Market & Armley Festival 2024

Armley Action Team CIC

£11,500.00 (Armley - £8,500.00, Kirkstall - £1,500.00, Bramley and Stanningley - £1,050.00) (Wellbeing)

Armley, Bramley and Stanningley and Kirkstall

Approved Armley – reduced to £7,000

Art Camp @ Shire Oak Primary school 2024/25

Art Camp UK

£4,158.00 (Wellbeing)




New Wortley Community Association

£5,000.00 (Wellbeing)



Dance Through Mental Health and Improve Wellbeing

Purple Rain Dance

£5,000.00 (£2,560.98 from Armley, £2,439.02 from Bramley and Stanningley) (Wellbeing)

Armley, Bramley and Stanningley and Kirkstall


Bramley Figure Drawing and Portraiture Class

Bramley Open Arts Group

£ 4,250.00 (Armley - £1,416.66, based on 9 attendees, Bramley and Stanningley - £2,046.30, based on 13 attendees, Kirkstall - £787.04, based on 5 attendees) (Wellbeing)

Armley, Bramley and Stanningley and Kirkstall


Living in Bigger Bodies

LCC Youth Service

£ 3,780.00 (£1,260.00 per ward) (Wellbeing)

Armley, Bramley and Stanningley, Kirkstall

Approved – Bramley & Stanningley and Kirkstall Wards

Armley – Deferred for more information

New Wortley Festival 2024

New Wortley Community Association

£1,500.00 (Wellbeing)



The V Word: Participation Programme

Front Room Productions

£4,594.42 (Wellbeing)



Boxercise in Partnership with KVDT

LCC youth Services/ Kirkstall Valley Development Trust





Bramley Community Arts Festival

Bramley Community Arts CIC


Bramley & Stanningley



d. Details of the projects approved via Delegated Decision (paragraph 23)

e. Monitoring information of its funded projects (paragraph 27)

f. Details of the Youth Activities Fund (YAF) position (Table 2)

g. Details of the Small Grants & Skips Budget (Tables 3 & 4)

h. Details of the Capital Budget (Table 5)

i. Details of the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget (Table 6)

Supporting documents: