Agenda item

Outer East Community Committee Finance Report

To receive and consider the attached report of the Head of Locality Partnerships


The report of the Head of Locality Partnerships provided the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund, Capital Budget as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy budget for 2024/25.


Carl Hinchliffe,  Community Committee Team Manager presented the report.


The following was discussed:


·  Members were asked to approve the minimum conditions for making delegated decisions.  These conditions were outlined in paragraph 14 of the report.

·  Members were informed of funds available in the Wellbeing, Youth Activities Fund, Capital and Community Infrastructure Levy budgets.  A ward by ward breakdown of funds was given.

·  Members were asked to consider the following funding applications:

o  Community Engagement Pot - £2,000 requested – Members were supportive of this application.

o  Grit Bin refills – Cross Gates & Whinmoor (£500.00), Garforth & Swillington (£500), Kippax & Methley (£1,500.00), Temple Newsam (£700) – Members were supportive of this application.

o  Community Engagement Activities & Support to the Wider Community, Cross Gates & District Good Neighbours Scheme - £14,887.00 requested.  Members queried the levels of the proposed ward contributions and how these were calculated.  There were also further concerns regarding provision when the library was re-located and whether contributions should be sought from Inner East wards.  It was suggested that the application be deferred.

o  West Yorkshire Fire Youth Intervention Programme – Although this was an excellent project, Members felt this would use too much of the funding available and was for a relatively small group of young people.  It was recommended that the application be refused.

o  Halton Moor – Activity Adventure Countryside Residential – Members recommended that this be refused.  There had not been any contact with Members from the organisation and the trip was only for 15 young people.

o  Kippax Kicks – It was recommended that this be deferred as it would use half the remaining YAF funds.

o  Rhinos Summer Camps – Members queried the accessibility of these camps for all children and the venues to be used.  There was concern that children from outside the area were benefitting from the funding.  It was recommended to defer.

o  Breeze in the Park - £3,800 requested from each ward.  Members supported the application for Cross Gates & Whinmoor and Temple Newsam but asked to defer elsewhere in order to investigate any alternative ways of raising the funds.

o  School Holiday Programme Crossgates & Whinmoor and Temple Newsam – it was suggested that this item be deferred to consider the split of funding from YAF and Wellbeing Budgets.

o  School Holiday Programme Garforth & Swillington and Kippax & Methley – it was suggested that this item be deferred to consider the split of funding from YAF and Wellbeing Budgets.

o  Festive Light Switch on Event at Austhorpe Road - £9,140 requested – Members supported this application

o  Garforth Festive Light Switch on Event - £7,590.00 requested – Members supported this application

o  Kippax Gala - £2,344.00 requested – Members supported this application

o  TNCP Cluster Sumer Holiday Activity Programme 2024 - £5,000 requested – Members asked that this be deferred to see if there could be a reduction in costs.




a.  That the Minimum Conditions as set out in paragraph 14 be agreed.

b.  That details of the change regarding the administration of Small Grants be noted.

c.  That details of the Wellbeing Budget position be noted.

d.  That details of the Youth Activity Fund budget be noted.

e.  That details of the Capital Budget be noted.

f.  That details of the Community Infrastructure Levy budget be noted.

g.  That the following projects be approved:

o  Community Engagement Pot - £2,000.00

o  Grit Bin Refills - Cross Gates & Whinmoor (£500.00), Garforth & Swillington (£500), Kippax & Methley (£1,500.00), Temple Newsam (£700)

o  Breeze in the Park – Cross Gates & Whinmoor - £3,800.00 and Temple Newsam £3,800.00

o  Festive Light Switch on Event at Austhorpe Road - £9,140.00

o  Garforth Festive Light Switch on Event - £7,590.00

o  Kippax Gala - £2,344.00.

h.  That the following projects be deferred:

o  Community Engagement Activities & Support to the Wider Community – CDGNS

o  Kippax Kicks

o  Rhinos Summer Camps

o  Breeze in the Park – Garforth & Swillington and Kippax & Methley.

o  School Holiday Programme – Cross Gates & Whinmoor and Temple Newsam

o  School Holiday Programme – Garforth & Swillington and Kippax & Methley

o  TNCP Cluster Summer Holiday Activity Programme 2024

i.  That the following projects be refused:

o  West Yorkshire Fire Youth Interventions Programmes

o  Halton Moor – Activity Adventure Countryside Residential

j.  That details of projects approved via Delegated Decision be noted.



Supporting documents: