Agenda item

Changes to Funding for Inclusion (FFI) - Briefing

To consider a report from the Director of Children and Families that provides a briefing on the planned changes to Funding For Inclusion (FFI) in Leeds.


The Board considered a report from the Director of Children and Families that provided a briefing on the planned changes to Funding For Inclusion (FFI) in Leeds.


In attendance for this item were:


·  Councillor Helen Hayden, Executive Board Member for Children and Families

·  Dan Barton, Deputy Director – Learning


The Executive Board Member for Children and Families introduced the report setting out the legislative requirement for the Council to move from FFI to statutory assessments through the Education, Health Care Plan (EHCP) model. A key priority within the work is to ensure that the changes are not overwhelming for the existing system and that it is based on assessments being carried out within the 20 week timeframe. The initial focus is on those children going through transition years so those that are facing changes anyway and, in many cases, moving to a new setting. The additional focus being provided by scrutiny on this issue was also welcomed.


It was emphasised that this is a children and young people centred process and changes will not be made where they would be detrimental to children and young people receiving support.


Responding to comments and question from members the following discussion took place:


·  Board members sought assurance on the scope of the planned changes with around 5,000 children currently accessing Funding For Inclusion. Given the wider challenges Leeds is having in terms of meeting the 20 week EHCP statutory timescales, these changes will add further pressure on to a system that is currently struggling. Noting the plan to make these changes over four years the Board thought this may be too short to deliver the changes. The Board were assured that there is flexibility on timescales.

·  In addition, the Board thought that 30% of children will potentially not qualify for an EHCP due to the higher thresholds to access support through that route. A concern being that this could mean that children and young people needing support could lose it due to wider funding challenges in the sector and schools not having the resource to replace FFI.

·  Noting the legislative issues faced by the Council and the FFI approach the Board heard that the risk of challenge under the present arrangements was too high and means that this work must be done, and a start made on moving from an FFI model to EHCP assessments.

·  The Board also received assurances around additional recruitment plans and productivity improvement plans linked to better use of IT systems. The enhanced staffing and productivity improvements have led to the 4 year timescale for this work.

·  The Board were assured that FFI funding will not be removed until EHCP assessments have been carried out. It was noted that it is difficult to project what the move to EHCP assessment will lead to in terms of numbers of children and young people having an EHCP assessment and receiving an EHCP.

·  The Board were also informed that where a pupil has FFI currently and goes through the EHCP assessment and does not qualify for support funding to meet their needs should come from the school’s notional funding. However, additional funding will be available to schools and settings with a higher proportion of children who have needs that are below the EHCP threshold – this is currently being developed and is known as Environmental Funding. The Board were reassured that this measure will assist those children and young people who potentially will not meet the EHCP threshold.

·  The Board asked about prioritisation for those that will be transitioning to the new approach. In response the Board were informed that Children Looked After (CLA) are the top priority, along with those already facing learning transition. A key element of the approach is to target those with the most significant vulnerabilities first.

·  Board members asked about how CLA, and children and young people generally, will be engaged and consulted about the planned assessments and changes to funding arrangements. The Board were informed that the 2014 legislation covers the engagement and consultation elements in the code of practice, so it is part of the EHC assessment to include the voice of the child and capture their views. This process will be carried out by schools and SENCO staff that work in schools supported by the directorate through FAQ approaches and support with correspondence. It was noted that additional support will be developed to meet specific needs of families when they arise.

·  The Board asked about educational psychologists and where the authority would like to be in terms of head count and wider recruitment plans. The Board heard that in an ideal world there would be more educational psychologists available and for them to be focussed on early help and early intervention to reduce the requirement and demand for EHCPs in the longer term. The Board were informed that recruitment processes are underway currently to expand the educational psychologist teams.

·  The Board were also informed about ongoing work with the Leeds Parent Carer Forum (LPCF), more engagement has taken place with the LPCF, and more is planned to meet both the forum and parents and carers themselves.

·  The Board asked about EHCP funding allocations and whether this is used to meet the needs of the child it is intended for and any monitoring arrangements to ensure the funding is used as intended. It was explained that with the number of EHCPs that are now in use it is very difficult to monitor how the funding is used outside of the annual review process. It was noted that in Leeds there is a high degree of professional trust and that creates confidence that at least the requirements of the EHCP are being met, where there are concerns that needs are not being met fully then this should be reported to the SENSAP Team.

·  A Board member highlighted the challenges being faced by schools in providing SEND support and that often the funding allocated to support children and young people is not sufficient to fully meet needs which adds pressure to wider school budgets.

·  The Chair highlighted the reassurances provide through the report and discussion at the Board particularly on timescale flexibility and the plans for Environmental Funding.




The Board unanimously agreed the following, to:


a)  Note the specific and detailed responses to questions raised at Executive Board on the 19th June.

b)  Note the clarity and assurance provided in relation to the interface and for some children the necessary transition from FFI to Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) provision.


(Moved by Cllr Cohen and Seconded by Cllr Edwards)

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