Agenda item

Inner West Community Committee Finance Report

This report provides the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund, Capital Budget, as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget for 2024/25.


The report of the Head of Locality Partnerships provided the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund, Capital Budget, as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget for 2024/25.


The Locality Officer presented the report and highlighted the following points:

·  There is currently a remaining balance of £29,045.57 A full breakdown of the projects was listed in Table.

·  Members were asked to consider the following projects:

o  Leeds 12 Youth Boxing Project from The Ministry of Boxing. Amount requested from YAF: £1,650.00.

o  Inner West Christmas Lights from LCC Communities Team / Leeds Lights. Amount requested from Wellbeing: £6,238.00 (Kirkstall - £3,000.00, Bramley and Stanningley £3,238.00)

o  West Yorkshire Fire Youth Intervention’s Programmes from West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service. Amount requested from the Armley Wellbeing: £1,647.04.

o  Armley Christmas Lights from LCC Communities Team / Leeds Lights. Amount requested from CIL: £2,339.50

·  It was noted that since the last meeting on 2nd July, no projects had been considered or approved by delegated decision notice.

·  Since the last meeting on 2nd July only one project had been declined for Community Remembrance & Reflection Garden – Yorkshire Air Ambulance - £716.00 (238.66 per ward)

·  Monitoring information would be provided at the next meeting.

·  To note that so far, a total of £31,761.00 had been allocated to projects, as listed in Table 2, and that there is a remaining balance of £12,650.03 in the Youth Activity Fund (YAF).

·  Table 3 provided information in relation to spend from the Small Grants.

·  Table 4 provided information in relation to the community skips provided by the Committee.

·  The Inner West Community Committee has a capital budget of £1,957.27 available to spend, this was summarised in Table 5. Members were advised that once the capital injection has been allocated, they would be informed.

·  The Community Committee is asked to note that there is £13,461.49 currently available to spend in the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) budget. Spend to date was summarised in Table 6.


During consideration of applications for Leeds 12 Youth Boxing Project and West Yorkshire Fire Youth Intervention’s Programmes:

·  Cllr Cunningham declared an interest in the Ministry of Boxing as she trains there.

·  Cllr Parnham declared an interest as a member on the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority this year.


Members discussions included:


·  The Leeds 12 Youth Boxing Project amount would be reduced from £1,650.00 to £1,140.00. Ward Councillors requested feedback on numbers attending.

·  The Committee Members discussed the use of CIL for Christmas Lights. It was acknowledged that Armley had requested this for extra lights to be added to the top of Armley Town Street after discussions with the independent traders located at the top of Town Street. It was noted that the Armley Councillors had used Ward Based Initiative money to fund the Christmas lights at the bottom of Town street, however, the CIL money was for extra lights. They had chosen rope lights which were cheaper than the motif lights. Some Members were against the use of CIL for this purpose. This prompted a lengthy discussion.

The Chair made a proposal that each ward use CIL money to the value of £2,339.50 towards lights in their wards, for this year only.


On the proposal being put to the vote it was unanimous, and this is noted in the resolution at point (b). The figures for the Christmas Lights approved for Kirkstall and Bramley and Stanningley earlier in the meeting would be adjusted to reflect the above decision.


·  Cllr Ritche requested a copy of the ‘123 List’ in relation to CIL.

·  It was noted that the numbers attending the DAZL project had dropped, and it was requested that the Locality Officer chase up on leaflets, so this project could be promoted.



a. Details of the Wellbeing Budget position (Table 1) be noted.

b. Wellbeing proposals for consideration and approval (paragraph 21) considered as follows:






Leeds 12 Youth Boxing Project

The Ministry of Boxing

YAF: £1,650.00


Approved reduced amount of £1,140.00

Inner West Christmas Lights 

LCC Communities Team / Leeds Lights.

Wellbeing: £1,559.00

Kirkstall - £660.50, Bramley and Stanningley £898.50


West Yorkshire Fire Youth Intervention’s Programmes

West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service

Wellbeing: £1,647.04



Christmas Lights 

LCC Communities Team / Leeds Lights

CIL: £7,018.50

Armley, Bramley& Stanningley and Kirkstall



c. Details of the projects approved via Delegated Decision (paragraph 23) be noted.

d. Monitoring information of its funded projects (paragraph 27) be noted.

e. Details of the Youth Activities Fund (YAF) position (Table 2) be noted.

f. Details of the Small Grants & Skips Budget (Tables 3 & 4) be noted.

g. Details of the Capital Budget (Table 5) be noted.

h. Details of the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget (Table 6) be noted.

Supporting documents: