Agenda item

Inner West Community Committee Update Report

The report of the Head of Locality Partnerships brings to members’ attention an update of the work which the Communities Team is engaged in, based on priorities identified by the Community Committee. It also provides opportunities for further questioning, or to request a more detailed report on a particular issue.


The report of the Head of Locality Partnerships provided an update of the work which the Communities Team were engaged in, based on the priorities identified by the Community Committee. Member also provided updates on the sub groups.


Children and Families Sub Group

The key theme was to be vaping. Cllr Bithell had spoken with Public Health and work would be undertaken to work with schools to address the issue of vaping and illegal vaping.


The Committee were informed that the Youth Summit will be taking place on 15th November, and Members were asked to contact their local schools for attendance at the event.


Environment Sub Group

Cllr Rontree informed the Committee that this year the sub group will be looking at green spaces and he was proposing 4 areas of work not just the parks, but also the riversides, and looking at events to generate revenue and forestry, looking at how the service is coping with limited resources and after storm damage.


Members were advised of a new email address for the Environment Team which had recently gone live -


The Committee were informed of the following:

·  The work on the MUGA at Stanningley was due to start this month.

·  Cleaner Neighbourhoods had changed their Team Leader, Locality Officer to find out the name.

·  The work on the Cragside Rec had now completed and the community loved it.

·  Work on the play area at Jailey Fields was due to start in September.

·  Section 106 money for Rodley Park had now been released.


Employment, Skills and Welfare Sub Group

·  A request was made for contact with officers who provide the employment figures, as the Champions wished to receive more information.

·  Week Commencing 9th September there was to be a SEND event which Cllr Ritchie will be attending.


Community Safety Sub Group

·  The next meeting of the sub group will be on 9th October. First Bus to attend the meeting.

·  The Capable Guardian is to be reinstated at Bramley Shopping Centre.

·  The 72 buses will soon be running a 24 hour service.


Co-opted Members requested invites to the sub groups.


It was acknowledged that the Community Committee used to have 2 themed reports as well as the substantive reports. It was noted that this would be the approach going forward.


It was noted that the LCP meetings had restarted. The Armley meeting had looked at causes of falls in the elderly, as this was higher than average in the Armley area. The meeting had been attended by LCC officers, NHS and Armley Helping Hands. The Bramley LCP was due to have it’s meeting in September, the agenda will be looking at older people, and would include transport and ADHD support groups.


Paragraph 50 of the report highlighted the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, and it was noted that the Communities Team were investigating other funding streams.


The review of Community Committees was continuing and feedback for the review was requested from the co-opted members of the Committee. Contact details are:


RESOLVED – To note the contents of the report.





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