Agenda item

22/00158/FU & 22/00159/LI - Church Of The Holy Spirit, Tempest Road, LS11 7EQ

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding a Change of Use Planning Application and Listed  Building Consent relating to redundant Listed Grade II church to online clothing  business and ancillary café at the Church Of The Holy Spirit, Tempest Road, LS11 7EQ.



The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for the change of use and listed building consent relating to redundant Listed Grade II church to online clothing business and ancillary café at the Church of The Holy Spirit, Tempest Road, Leeds, LS11 7EQ.


The report recommended that the applications be granted subject to conditions outlined in the report (with amendments or addition to the same as deemed appropriate).


Panel Members (referenced above) had attended a site visit prior to the meeting.


Slides and photographs of the site and proposals were presented by the Planning Officer who outlined the application and contents of representations received as detailed in the submitted report.


It was reported that the applicant had submitted additional information in response to representations from objectors.  This had not highlighted any new information that was already detailed in the report.


A local resident and Ward Councillor attended the meeting and presented their objections to the Panel.  Following this, they provided responses to questions raised by Panel Members, which in summary, related to the following:

·  There were other community use venues nearby although some weren’t open on evenings.  There were three community led organisations that would be able to bid over what  the Church of England were marketing the building for.

·  There were other more suitable sites nearby that could be used for this kind of business.

·  The building could be a real community asset in the heart of Beeston Hill.

·  If there weren’t other offers for use of the building which would enhance the community, the application would be supported.

·  There were concerns regarding the potential for increased car parking as there had been road traffic accidents in the area.


The applicant was in attendance and addressed the Panel.  Following this, the applicant provided responses to questions raised by the Panel, which in summary, related to the following:

·  The café would be small and would be just open on specific times and dates.

·  The business would operate 5 days a week but not on Fridays.

·  If too much traffic was created, the applicant would consider changing hours of operation.

·  Customers would be encouraged to use public transport and most customers would local and would hopefully walk.

·  Deliveries would not be made by heavy goods vehicles but van deliveries similar to those that made home deliveries.

·  The latest time the premises would be operating was approximately 7.00 p.m. but this would only be in the peak summer months.

·  There would only be 2 or 3 staff employed.

·  Approximately 90% of orders would be sent for delivery with 10% for collection.

·  The building had been chosen for the storage space.

·  Traffic and parking was considered prior to submitting the application.

·  Deliveries and appointments would only take place between 09:00 and 17:00.  The longer hours of operation were to provide a cushion during peak periods.


Questions and comments from Panel Member then followed, with officers responding to the questions raised, which included the following:


·  The change of use would be to mixed use E(a) and E(b) for retail and café.

·  The building was in such poor condition it was considered at risk.  There was a relatively small impact on the local highway network and it seemed a reasonable proposal to bring the building back into use.


Upon voting, a motion was put forward to move the officer recommendations, as per the submitted report.  This was moved and seconded, and it was:


RESOLVED – To grant the Application – 22/00158/FU and the Listed Building Consent – 22//00159/LI – both subject to the conditions set out in the report (with amendments or addition to the same as deemed appropriate).



Supporting documents: