Agenda item

Application for the grant of a premises licence for Vera's Flavours Ground Floor Shop, 254 Dewsbury Road, Hunslet, Leeds, LS11 6JQ

To consider the report of the Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory on an application for the grant of a premises licence, made by Sabura Limited, for Vera's Flavours Ground Floor Shop, 254 Dewsbury Road, Hunslet, Leeds, LS11 6JQ.



The report of the Chief Officer, Elections and Regulatory presented an application for the grant of a premises licence for Vera’s Flavours, Ground Floor Shop, 254 Dewsbury Road, Hunslet, Leeds, LS11 6JQ


The following were in attendance:


Tony Clarke – Representing the Applicant

Vera Suarez – Applicant

Councillor Ed Carlisle – Local Ward Councillor

Nicola Kelly-Johnson – Public Health



The Legal Officer explained the procedure to be followed and the Licensing Officer presented the application.


Prior to the commencement of the Hearing, Councillor Carlisle informed the Sub-Committee that following further discussions with the applicant he wished to withdraw his representation as a further condition had been agreed not to sell single bottles or cans of beer or cider and sales must be a minimum of four. There had also been an agreement to reduce the hours of sale and that spirits should be kept in a cabinet only accessible to staff.  Public Health also wished to withdraw their objection as this would be a deterrent to street drinkers.  Measures to prevent alcohol promotion material in the shop windows and the sale of beers and ciders above 7.5% strength was also welcomed.


In summary the application was for:


·  Sale by retail of alcohol:

Every day  07:00 to 23:00


·  Non standard timings

No non-standard timings for bank holidays or special occasions are proposed:


The application had received representations from responsible authorities and other persons.  Prior to the meeting, agreements had been reached with West Yorkshire Police and Environmental Protection who had withdrawn their representations.


The applicant’s representative addressed the Sub-Committee.  The following was highlighted:


·  The applicant had a strong track record of managing shops and restaurants.

·  There had never been any police involvement at premises managed by the applicant.

·  It was proposed that the shop would sell a wide range of foodstuff and alcohol sales be ancillary to this with only a small section of the shop dedicated to alcohol.

·  It had been proposed to reduce the hours of sale of alcohol from 08:00 to 20:00.

·  A systematic risk assessment had been carried out to ensure that the licensing objectives and other policy measures would be fulfilled.

·  The conditions offered were robust and supported the licensing objectives.

·  Street drinkers were more likely to drink strong beers that would not be available at these premises.

·  There had not been any representation from the Licensing Authority even though there was a proposal for a new Cumulative Impact Area.

·  There were a total of 39 conditions which included the CCTV system and focussed on the licensing objectives.


In response to questions from the Sub-Committee, the applicant explained the style of operation which included the adjoining restaurant.  The shop was a small convenience store and would also sell produce from the restaurant.  It was not aimed to attract street drinkers.


The Sub-Committee went into private session to make their deliberations and carefully considered the report of the Chief Officer, Elections and Regulatory, the submissions made in writing and at the hearing, and also the Statement of Licensing Policy.


RESOLVED – That the application be granted as follows:


·  Sale by retail of alcohol from 08:00 until 20:00

·  Additional conditions to include the following:

o  That no beers and ciders over the strength of 7.5% be sold

o  That beers and ciders be sold as a minimum of four cans or bottles.



Supporting documents: