Agenda item

Executive Questions

To deal with executive questions in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.


Q1  Councillor Harrington to the Leader of Council:-


Will the Leader of Council agree to sign the National Council for Voluntary Organisation's open letter to the Chancellor objecting to her increase in Employers' National Insurance contributions, which will cost the voluntary sector £1.4 billion a year?


The Leader of Council replied.


Q2  Councillor Hart-Brooke to the Executive Member (Resources):-


At the last Council meeting the Executive Member said that releasing a provisional value of the U1 number plate would be “commercially sensitive”, despite the Council routinely publishing a provisional value on the many valued buildings it has auctioned off. Can I clarify whether the Executive Member meant the issue was “commercially” or did she mean “politically” sensitive?


The Executive Member (Resources) replied.


Q3  Councillor Jenkins to the Executive Member (Housing):-


Please can the Executive Member comment on the recent award for Gascoigne House?


The Executive Member (Housing) replied.


Q4  Councillor Goddard to the Executive Member (Economy, Transport & Sustainable Development):-


In the light of continued and persistent breaching of its planning conditions by Leeds Bradford Airport, both in the number and type of aircraft allowed to operate at night, can you give an assurance that the Council intends to vigorously pursue its decisions to issue LBA with a Breach of Condition Notice and Enforcement Notices, in the event of LBA failing to comply, through legal action if necessary?


The Executive Member (Economy, Transport & Sustainable Development)replied.


Q5  Councillor Hussain to the Executive Member (Communities, Customer Services and Community Safety):-


Please can the Executive Member update Council on events this year to mark the 16 Days of Action for the White Ribbon Campaign?


The Executive Member (Communities, Customer Services and Community Safety) replied.



Q6  Councillor B Anderson to the Leader of Council


Does the Leader of Council support Unite the Union's legal challenge against the government's removal of winter fuel allowance for pensioners?


The Leader of Council replied.


Q7  Councillor Chapman to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces):-


Given the problems being experienced with vehicle obstructions hindering bin collections, will the Executive Member consider introducing a requirement for bin crews to provide photographic evidence to help us explain issues to our residents.


The Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces) replied.


Q8  Councillor Thomson to the Executive Member (Adult Social Care, Active Lifestyles & Culture):-


Please can the Executive Member update council on the HomeFirst programme?


The Executive Member (Adult Social Care, Active Lifestyles & Culture) replied.


Q9  Councillor Dixon to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces):-


Will the Council’s Administration commit to reinvesting the money that is raised from charging cars to park in Leeds parks back into our parks?


The Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces)replied.


Q10  Councillor France-Mir to the Executive Member (Children and Families).


Following the deputation in January 2024 by our care leavers, please can the Executive Member provide an update on the Council’s support for care leavers?


The Executive Member (Children and Families) replied.


At the conclusion of question time, the following questions remained unanswered and it was noted that, under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 11.6, written answers would be sent to each Member of Council:-



Q11  Councillor Stephenson to the Executive Member (Children and Families).


Q12  Councillor Hart-Brooke to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces).


Q13  Councillor Dowson to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces).


Q14  Councillor Dixon to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces).


Q15  Councillor Cohen to the Executive Member (Adult Social Care, Active Lifestyles and Culture).


Q16  Councillor Downes to the Executive Member (Adult Social Care, Active Lifestyles and Culture).


Q17  Councillor Dixon to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces).


Q18  Councillor Flynn to the Leader of Council.


Q19  Councillor Downes to the Executive Member (Economy, Transport & Sustainable Development)


Q20  Councillor Chesterfield to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces).


Q21  Councillor N Buckley to the Executive Member (Economy, Transport & Sustainable Development).


Q22  Councillor Hart-Brooke to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces).


Q23  Councillor Carlisle to the Leader of Council.


Q24  Councillor Stephenson to the Executive Member (Adult Social Care, Active Lifestyles and Culture).


Q25  Councillor Hart-Brooke to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces).


Q26  Councillor D Seary to the Executive Member (Children and Families).


Q27  Councillor Campbell to the Leader of Council.


Q28  Councillor Cohen to the Executive Member (Adult Social Care, Active Lifestyles and Culture).


Q29  Councillor Firth to the Leader of Council.


Q30  Councillor L Buckley to the Executive Member (Economy, Transport & Sustainable Development).


Q31  Councillor B Anderson to the Executive Member (Communities, Customer Services and Community Safety).


Q32  Councillor Lamb to the Leader of Council.


Q33  Councillor Robinson to the Executive Member (Economy, Transport & Sustainable Development).


Q34  Councillor N Buckley to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces).


Q35  Councillor Harrington to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces).


Q36  Councillor Harrington to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces).


Q37  Councillor Harrington to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces).


Q38  Councillor Stephenson to the Executive Member (Children and Families).


Q39  Councillor Stephenson to the Executive Member (Housing).


Q40  Councillor Firth to the Executive Member (Economy, Transport & Sustainable Development).


Q41  Councillor Firth to the Executive Member (Economy, Transport & Sustainable Development).


Q42  Councillor Firth to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces).


Q43  Councillor Firth to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces).


Q44  Councillor Stephenson to the Executive Member (Children and Families).


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