To receive the report of the Chief Planning Officer on a Reserved Matters Application for matters relating to access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the residential dwelling including the provision of 528 dwellings pursuant to outline application 20/04464/OT; on land south of York Road, Morwick Green (Middle Quadrant), East Leeds Extension, Leeds, LS15.
The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented a Reserved Matters Application for matters relating to access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the residential dwelling including the provision of 528 dwellings pursuant to outline application 20/04464/OT; on land south of York Road, Morwick Green (Middle Quadrant), East Leeds Extension, Leeds, LS15.
The Panel were recommended to defer and delegate to the Chief Planning Officer for approval of Reserved Matters, subject to the removal of the objection from Yorkshire Water and the conditions set out in the submitted report (including any amendment to the same or addition of others which the Chief Planning Officer considers appropriate).
Slides and photographs of the site and the proposals were presented by the Planning Officer who outlined the application as detailed in the submitted report. This application sought to address the matters remaining on the northern phase, identified as ‘Reserved Matters’ and which were therefore not considered under the outline application, though the point of access from ELOR and the provision of the spine road were fixed. Therefore, the matters reserved for determination and for consideration were:
In relation to an objection from Yorkshire Water, consultation had taken place, but no response had been received at that time.
Mr Johnson the applicant’s agent was present to answer questions.
Responses to questions from the Panel included:
2 Car Club spaces had been secured through the outline planning consent, with a facility provided on the spine road in this Phase of development. The suggested condition seeks to secure an additional temporary car club space within the sales area car park.
Comments from the Panel Members included:
In summing up the Area Planning Manager provided the following points:
Officers would look at opportunities for the relocation of M4(3) wheelchair accessible dwellings closer to play facilities and greenspaces.
Upon voting, a motion was put forward to move the officer recommendations, as per the submitted report. This was moved and seconded, and it was:
RESOLVED – To defer and delegate to the Chief Planning Officer for approval of the Reserved Matters, subject to the removal of the objection from Yorkshire Water and the conditions set out in the submitted report.
The Area Planning Manager informed the Panel that the applications received in relation to the East Leeds Extension (ELE) were proving to have an element of consistency where they are policy compliant, and officers are working with the same developers and agents who are aware of the relevant issues. It was additionally noted that the applications had also been subject to wider discussion through the ELE Consultative Forum. Therefore, it was suggested that rather than bring a position statement on every ELE application, as had been the practice until now, to only bring a position statement on those applications where particular issues arise which would benefit from a steer from Plans Panel Members. All applications would still be brought to Panel for final determination. This approach going forward was agreed to by the Panel.
Supporting documents: