To receive the report on a pre-application for the proposed mixed-use development at former Arcadia site, Burton Business Park, Torre Road, Burmantofts, Leeds LS9 7DN
The Area Planning Manager vacated the seat at the table for item 9. The Area Planning Manager (North East) Ryan Platten took up the seat vacated.
The report of the Chief Planning Officer set out a pre-application for a mixed -use development at the former Arcadia site, Burton Business Park, Torre Road, Burmantofts, Leeds, LS9 7DN.
The applicant’s agent presented the proposed application with slides and photographs shown throughout.
The agent highlighted the following points:
Members questions and comments included:
The Panel responded to questions posed in the submitted report as follows:
1. Members were of the view that the original percentage of proposed residential and employment be maintained across the wider site as defined in the report.
2. Members liked the proposals for the site.
3. There was support for the retention of the façade and the green space proposed. It was an opportunity to create something different with a unique identity.
4. There were no comments in relation to transport and connectivity.
5. It was the view that the cycle and footpath provision along Trent Road could be physically separate from the highway (to the other side of the trees adjacent to the existing highway) but that the footpath and cycle route should be clearly defined to avoid conflicts. It was noted that the removal of the understorey of tree canopies to facilitate greater visibility between the highway and the footway/cycle route was not a concern.
6. There were no further matters that Members wished to raise.
RESOLVED – That the submitted report and discussions be noted.
Cllr Lloyd had left the meeting at 2:55 during this item.
The Area Planning Manager resumed his seat at the table at the conclusion of this item.
Supporting documents: