Agenda item

Cumulative Impact Assessment

To consider a report of the Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory which seeks approval for an interim review and consultation to ensure that the cumulative impact areas remain in place until a detailed and thorough review of the assessment can take place in 2022.



(Report attached)



The Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory submitted a report which sought approval for an interim review and consultation to ensure that the cumulative impact areas remained in place until a detailed and thorough review of the assessment could take place in 2022.


Addressing the report, the Principal Licensing Officer explained that following the outbreak of the corona virus pandemic and the subsequent lockdown measures, activity within the city centre and other cumulative impact areas was significantly reduced. It was further reported that crime rates for the same period were also low.


Members were informed that in July 2021 corona virus restrictions were relaxed resulting in an increase of the activity within the night-time economy. As night-time activity increased so did the crime rates.


Members were informed that the last assessment was undertaken in 2018.


The Principal Licensing Officer said it was important that up-to-date intelligence and analysis was now gathered to determine if the cumulative impact areas remained appropriate.


Members were supportive of the proposal for an interim review and consultation


RESOLVED – That approval be given for an interim review and consultation to ensure that the cumulative impact areas remain appropriate until a detailed and thorough review of the assessment can take place in 2022.

Supporting documents: