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Supplements available :
- Notification of Intention for Executive Board to consider matters in private PDF 198 KB
- Agenda Item 17 (Adoption of the Site Allocations Plan), Appendix 2: Sections 1&2 PDF 2 MB
- Agenda Item 17 (Adoption of the Site Allocations Plan), Appendix 2: Section 3:1 Aireborough PDF 17 MB
- Agenda Item 17 (Adoption of the Site Allocations Plan), Appendix 2: Section 3:2 City Centre PDF 18 MB
- Agenda Item 17 (Adoption of Site Allocations Plan), Appendix 2: Section 3:3 East PDF 15 MB
- Agenda Item 17 (Adoption of Site Allocations Plan), Appendix 2: Section 3:4 Inner PDF 64 MB
- Agenda Item 17 (Adoption of Site Allocations Plan), Appendix 2: Section 3:5 North PDF 66 MB
- Agenda Item 17 (Adoption of Site Allocations Plan), Appendix 2: Section 3:6 Outer North East PDF 17 MB
- Agenda Item 17 (Adoption of Site Allocations Plan), Appendix 2: Section 3:7 Outer North West PDF 12 MB
- Agenda Item 17 (Adoption of Site Allocations Plan), Appendix 2: Section 3:8 Outer South PDF 16 MB
- Agenda Item 17 (Adoption of Site Allocations Plan), Appendix 2: Section 3:9 Outer South East PDF 15 MB
- Agenda Item 17 (Adoption of Site Allocations Plan), Appendix 2: Section 3:10 Outer South West PDF 49 MB
- Agenda Item 17 (Adoption of Site Allocations Plan), Appendix 2: Section 3:11 Outer West PDF 40 MB
- Agenda Item 17 (Adoption of Site Allocations Plan), Appendix 2: Section 3: Appendices PDF 3 MB
- Agenda Item 18 (Business Case for Proposed Selective Licensing Designation – Harehills): Appendix 2 PDF 26 MB
- Agenda Item 19 (Business Case for Proposed Selective Licensing Designation – Beeston): Appendix 2 PDF 18 MB
- Supplementary Information: Agenda Item 17 - Leeds Local Plan - Adoption of the Site Allocations Plan PDF 4 MB
- Supplementary Information: Agenda Item 18: Business Case for Proposed Selective Licensing Designation: Harehills PDF 4 MB
- Supplementary Information: Agenda Item 19: Business Case for Proposed Selective Licensing Designation: Beeston PDF 4 MB