Issue - decisions

A Waste Strategy for the city of Leeds

26/07/2019 - A Waste Strategy for the City of Leeds

The Director of Communities and Environment submitted a report which presented for the purposes of the Board’s approval a new waste strategy for the city, as an interim strategy until 2021.


As part of the introduction to the report, the Executive Member for Environment and Active Lifestyles highlighted the current position nationally with regard to waste, the reasons why an interim approach had been identified as the appropriate way forward and highlighted the role that the Council would play in the delivery of the city strategy.


Responding to Members’ concerns which included the speed at which the Council was progressing this issue, the Board was provided with an update on the Government’s current position on this matter and how an interim strategy for Leeds had been developed in order to provide some interim commitments and prepare for the inevitable national requirements that will follow in this area, as and when they were agreed by Government. The Board was advised that a longer term strategy would follow when the national position was clearer.


It was noted that a cross-party Member working group had been involved in the development of the interim strategy, which was alongside the consideration that Scrutiny Board (Environment, Housing and Communities) continued to give to the matter. Emphasis was also placed upon the proposed ‘Key Commitments’ of the Council which formed part of the strategy, as detailed within the report.


With regard to the actions being undertaken in respect of the refuse review, Members received an update on this, with it being noted that it had developed into a much more comprehensive piece of work, thanks to the significant contributions from the Scrutiny Board.


Following a further update on the work that continued to be undertaken in this area, it was requested that a report be submitted to a future Board providing an update on how the waste agenda had evolved in recent years, the refreshed approach being taken across the city and how the Council was developing its work with groups, such as young people, in order to harness the appetite there was for this agenda.



(a)  That in noting the contents of the submitted report, the interim waste strategy for the city, as presented at paragraph 3.5, be approved, and that a comprehensive updated waste strategy be submitted to the Board for consideration by 2021;


(b)  That a further report be submitted to a future meeting of the Board providing an update on how the waste agenda had evolved in recent years, the refreshed approach being taken across the city and how the Council was developing its work with groups, such as young people, in order to harness the appetite there was for this agenda.