Issue - decisions

Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme: Alwoodley Park and Ride & Temple Green Park and Ride

26/07/2019 - Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme: Alwoodley Park and Ride & Temple Green Park and Ride

The Director of City Development submitted a report which provided an update on the progress of delivering significant schemes during 2019/20 under the Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme (LPTIP) programme of funding. Also, the report specifically detailed proposals regarding a new Alwoodley Park and Ride site and the expansion of the Temple Green Park and Ride site.


Responding to Members’ enquiries, the Board received further information and assurance regarding the future provision of bus services in Leeds by First Bus, which would accompany the ongoing development of related infrastructure. 


Also, the Board received further detail on the demand forecasting which was undertaken ahead of any Park and Ride proposals being made, with reassurance being provided that there was a robust case for the Alwoodley proposal.  With regard to the proposed bus service for that site, the Board received an update, with it being noted that a separate procurement exercise would be undertaken by West Yorkshire Combined Authority.


Members welcomed the comprehensive Climate Emergency information contained within the submitted report.


It was requested that information be submitted to Board Members in the future which presented the initial findings following the introduction of cleaner buses on selected routes.



(a)  That the progress made since April 2016 in developing proposals for the relevant projects benefiting from LPTIP funding, together with the subsequent public consultation responses received, be noted;


(b)  That the submission of a planning application for the new Alwoodley Park and Ride site be approved, and that subject to the granting of planning permission and the funding approval of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, approval also be given for the expenditure of up to £14.03m from the LPTIP Capital Programme which will carry out detail design and construction of the site;


(c)  That the submission of a planning application for the expansion of the Temple Green Park and Ride site be approved, and subject to the granting of planning permission and the funding approval of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, approval also be given for the expenditure of £5.966m (the cost of the Business Case minus the purchase of the land which has previously been approved) from the LPTIP Capital Programme which will carry out detail design and construction of the site. In addition, the Board’s approval also be given for an injection of £431,978.55 from S106 Developer Contributions;


(d)  That subject to ongoing consultation with the relevant Executive Member, as appropriate, it be noted that the Chief Officer for Highways and Transportation will be responsible for the implementation of the resolutions as outlined above.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor A Carter required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)