Further to Minute No. 177, 20th March 2019, the Director of Children and Families submitted a report presenting the outcome of the consultation undertaken regarding a proposal to establish a new 8 form entry secondary free school (1,200 places – 240 pupils per year group) for learners aged 11-16, including a Resourced Provision for young people with Autism Spectrum Condition and Moderate Learning Difficulties. In addition, the report sought permission to launch the competition stage of the free school presumption process in order to identify a preferred sponsor to run the new school. Finally, the report sought a decision to fund delivery of a scheme to create the additional learning places required.
In response to a Member’s enquiries, and having noted that the proposals did not include sixth form provision, the Board received details of the current position regarding such provision in the area. Also, the Board received information relating to the ongoing negotiations with relevant parties regarding the potential purchase of the site, with Members requesting that should there be any problems experienced in this area then Board Members be informed as appropriate.
With regard to the development of education provision to accommodate demand arising from the East Leeds Extension, officers undertook to provide the Member in question with a briefing on the actions being taken in this area, with a request being made that a further report be submitted to the Board on such matters in due course.
(a) That the outcome of the consultation undertaken on the proposal to establish a new 8 form entry (1,200 place – 240 pupils per year group) secondary free school for pupils aged 11-16, including a Resourced Provision for young people with Autism Spectrum Condition and Moderate Learning Difficulties, within the boundary of a 2.7 hectare parcel of unused land close to Torre Road and Trent Road, from September 2021, be noted;
(b) That the commencement of a free school presumption process, be approved, under the terms set out in the Education and Inspections Act 2006 (section 6a), allowing the Local Authority to launch a competition seeking to identify a preferred sponsor to run the new free school;
(c) That provisional approval be granted for authority to spend (ATS) £25-30m in order to deliver the proposed new free school;
(d) That it be noted that the implementation of the proposal is subject to funding being agreed, based on the outcome of further detailed design work and planning applications, as indicated in section 4.4.2 of the submitted report, and that the proposal has been brought forward in time for places to be delivered for 2021;
(e) That it be noted that the responsible officer for the implementation of such matters is the Head of Learning Systems;
(f) That a further report be submitted to the Board in due course regarding the work being undertaken to develop education provision to accommodate demand from the East Leeds Extension.