Further to Minute No. 68, 19th September 2018, the Director of City Development submitted a report which provided an update on the development of the new physical activity ambition as well as presenting an overview of the Active Leeds, ‘Get Set Leeds – Local’ project application to Sport England, with the report also seeking support to accept the funding, should the submission be successful.
As part of the introduction to the submitted report, the Board viewed a video which accompanied the initiative, and which looked to promote a conversation about making Leeds a more active city.
A Member highlighted the importance of linking the initiative to the appropriate planning and highways processes in order to look to maximise the delivery of related infrastructure and facilities. Responding to this, emphasis was placed upon the actions which were being taken in this area, with the promotion of the ‘Active Travel’ agenda being highlighted.
Responding to an enquiry regarding the outcomes which were envisaged, it was noted that the aim of the submitted report, the video and other actions such as liaison with Community Committees was to consult with local communities and Members in order to gain a better understanding of the issues involved and the needs of specific communities so that the initiative could look to respond to them.
Regarding timescales, the Board was advised that it was envisaged that a response from Sport England in relation to the Council’s bid would be received by the end of October 2019, with the Chair inviting that the matter be brought back to the Board when the outcome was known.
(a) That the overview of the Sport England project application, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted;
(b) That the Board’s support be provided for the submission of a bid to Sport England for £475k, to develop understanding of locality based approaches to improving levels of Physical Activity;
(c) That the Board’s agreement be given to the delivery of the project commencing before the end of 2019, with the project being delivered over a three year period up until the end of 2022;
(d) That it be noted that the Head of Active Leeds is the officer responsible for this project.