Issue - decisions

Outwood Lane, Horsforth – S106 Highway Improvement Scheme

21/10/2019 - Outwood Lane, Horsforth – S106 Highway Improvement Scheme

The Chief Officer (Highways & Transportation)
i) noted the contents of the report;
ii) authorised the detailed design, advertisement and subsequent implementation of a scheme to introduce a 20mph zone, vertical traffic calming features and parking restrictions in the Horsforth Ward, as described within paragraphs 3.1 to 3.4;
iii) requested the City Solicitor to advertise a draft Traffic Regulation Order to introduce lengths of ‘no waiting at any time on Cragg Wood Road, A65 New Road Side, Newlay Lane, Newlay Wood Road, Outwood Lane, Regent Court and Wood Lane, Horsforth as shown on drawing TM/17/306/CON/3B and if no objections are received, to make and seal the order as advertised;
iv) requested the City Solicitor to advertise a draft Speed Limit Order to introduce a 20mph zone on Outwood Lane as shown on drawing TM/17/306/CON/3A, Horsforth and if no objections are received, to make and seal the order as advertised;
v) requested the City Solicitor to advertise a notice under Section 90C of the Highways Act 1980 to provide four vertical traffic calming features, specifically round top (sinusoidal) speed humps in the locations indicated on drawing TM/17/306/CON/3A; and
vi) approved the expenditure of £40,000 towards the implementation of the proposals, funded by the developer via a Section 106 Agreement, broken down as £10,000 staff costs, £6,000 legal costs and £24,000 works costs.