Issue - decisions

Disposal of Land located on Seacroft Crescent for Extra Care Housing delivery and final terms of Development Agreement

28/11/2019 - Disposal of land located on Seacroft Crescent, Killingbeck and Seacroft, for Extra Care Housing delivery and final terms of Development Agreement

Further to Minute No. 131, 19th December 2018, the Director of Adults and Health, the Director of City Development and the Director of Resources and Housing submitted a joint report which sought approval to dispose of a Council owned site on Seacroft Crescent in Killingbeck and Seacroft Ward to facilitate the development of new Extra Care housing provision in support of the Better Lives Programme.



(a)  That it be noted that the Director of City Development, in consultation with the Executive Member for Resources, will progress with the disposal of the subject land;


(b)  That approval be granted to enter into the Development Agreement with the consortium;


(c)  That approval be granted for any subsequent amendments to the terms of the disposal being delegated to the Director of City Development for his consideration and approval under the scheme of officer delegation, in consultation with the Executive Member for Resources.