Issue - decisions

City Connect Phase 3: Clay Pit Lane, Dewsbury Road, Elland Road Cycleways

28/11/2019 - City Connect 3 Leeds Package - Segregated Cycleways at Dewsbury Road (Phase 3), Elland Road and Clay Pit Lane

The Director of City Development submitted a report which sought approval for the design and delivery of a package of 3 schemes to provide segregated cycleways linking to Leeds City Centre. Specifically, the proposed cycleways were to run along Clay Pit Lane, Dewsbury Road and Elland Road. The schemes form part of the Combined Authority’s ‘City Connect 3’ package of improvement to cycle infrastructure in West Yorkshire.


In noting that the proposals within the submitted report were to be fully funded by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s (WYCA) City Connect programme, a Member sought an update on the current position regarding the outstanding WYCA funding in respect of phase 1 of the scheme, and given that outstanding sum, a further enquiry was made as to whether guarantees could be provided that the proposals in respect of phase 3 would be fully funded by the Combined Authority. The Member also requested to see a copy of WYCA’s letter to the Council in 2016 regarding the Combined Authority’s commitment in respect of funding phase 1 of the project.


In response, the Board noted that this proposed scheme would be governed by a funding agreement which phase 1 was not, and would include appropriate contingency provision. It was also noted that this scheme had the advantage of the experience gained from the delivery of earlier phases. With regard to the commitment that WYCA had provided regarding the funding of phase 1, it was noted that the Director of City Development was scheduled to meet with the Combined Authority tomorrow with a view to raising the issue of the outstanding sum. The Director undertook to update Board Members as appropriate.



(a)  That the success to date of the City Connect programme within Leeds, be noted;


(b)  That the proposed Phase 3 projects which will provide segregated cycleways on Dewsbury Road, Elland Road and Clay Pit Lane, as detailed within the submitted report, be approved; and that the submission of the projects to the West Yorkshire Combined Authority as part of a full business case for the purposes of final approval, be approved;


(c)  That the authority to incur expenditure of £6.14m to design and construct the cycleways, to be fully funded from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s City Connect programme, be approved;


(d)  That the following be noted:-

(i) The construction of the scheme is programmed to commence in the Spring of 2020 for completion by Spring 2021; and

(ii) The Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation) will be responsible for the implementation of such matters.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor A Carter required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)