Issue - decisions

Surface Access to Leeds Bradford Airport, the North West Leeds Employment Hub and proposed Parkway Station.

16/01/2020 - Surface Access to Leeds Bradford Airport, the North West Leeds Employment Hub and Proposed Airport Parkway Station

The Director of City Development submitted a report, which following the conclusion of a comprehensive public consultation exercise and subsequent review, presented the associated conclusions and made recommendations on the preferred approach to progressing a connectivity and surface access package for Leeds Bradford Airport and the North West Leeds Employment Hub.


Members discussed various factors relating to the revised connectivity strategy, with comments relating to the following:

-  The need for the proposals to be ambitious;

-  Maximising the use of any potential funding which may become available;

-  Prioritising the reduction of congestion and the promotion of the Climate Emergency agenda;

-  The provision of parking;

-  The aim of any proposals, including the provision of a Parkway Station, to facilitate as seamless access as possible to and from the airport and the North West Leeds Employment Hub;

-  The need for public consultation to be undertaken on any such proposals.


Responding to an enquiry regarding current and future rail provision in that area of the city and any proposals relating to the potential development of a Parkway Station, the Board received an update regarding the ongoing dialogue which was taking place with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, Northern and Network Rail.


In conclusion, in addition to public sector involvement in this process, Members highlighted the key role and contribution of the airport, and emphasised how continued dialogue with the airport, the Government and other partner organisations was key to progressing this matter without delay.



(a)  That the contents of the submitted report together with the headline consultation responses regarding surface access improvements as detailed at paragraph 3.7 onwards of the submitted report, be noted;


(b)  That a revised connectivity package for the airport and employment hub sites be adopted, which is developed to embrace the continued development of the proposed Parkway Station and associated highway linkages between these sites;


(c)  That highway connectivity Options A, B and C as previously consulted upon, and as referenced within the submitted report, be discontinued;


(d)  That agreement be given to a review of the local highway network being undertaken, including technical feasibility work, in order to understand future connectivity and traffic options and investments that may be required due to the new strategy, with such work to take into account any relevant findings from the connectivity studies undertaken to date;


(e)  That agreement be given to further work taking place with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority in order to develop a funding strategy for the revised connectivity proposals, including a business case and delivery mechanisms that ensure the continued forward progress of the parkway station proposals;


(f)  That agreement be given for further public engagement to take place during 2020 on the updated proposals, pending the outcome of the development of the feasibility work;


(g)  That agreement be given for the Director of City Development to work with the Airport and other significant employers in this part of the city to create an exemplary travel plan which has enhanced sustainability, carbon reduction and improved public transport connections at its core;


(h)  That the Director of City Development be requested to report back on the progress being made on these matters in 2020 upon the completion of further technical due diligence, feasibility work and public engagement.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor A Carter required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)