Issue - decisions

To approve the use of the Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation and London Borough of Islington Occupational Health and Employee Assistant Framework to conduct a further competition for the provision of Physician Services in accordance with Contract Proc

12/11/2019 - To approve the use of the Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation and London Borough of Islington Occupational Health and Employee Assistant Framework to conduct a further competition for the provision of Physician Services in accordance with Contract Proc

The Chief Officer Human Resources approved the use of the framework agreement, as set up by the YPO and the London Borough of Islington Council, for the purposes of conducting and further competition to procure a contract for the provision of an Occupational Health Physician to work alongside our internal ‘Employee Occupational Health Service’ within Leeds City Council.

The contract is to commence on the 1st December 2019 with a proposal to cover a period of 2 years, (plus 2 x 12 month extensions) to the value of £320,000 (£80,000 per annum) and therefore a Significant Operational Decision