Issue - decisions

Fuel and Food Poverty

16/01/2020 - Promoting Affordable Warmth

The Director of Resources and Housing and the Director of Communities and Environment submitted a joint report providing an update on the Council’s approach towards tackling fuel poverty in the city.


In considering the submitted report, a Member highlighted the importance of ensuring that as part of this initiative, service users, specifically the elderly and vulnerable, had channels of communication that they were comfortable using when engaging the Local Authority on this issue.



(a)  That agreement be given for the Director of Resources and Housing to invite the Leeds Poverty Truth Commission to become a member of the Affordable Warmth Partnership and act as consultee for Leeds Affordable Warmth Plan;


(b)  That the Board endorse the approach being taken to continue to listen to people’s lived experience of cold and damp housing conditions, better understand the barriers which people are facing, and wherever possible take action locally through co-production, such as improve service provision, or use the Council’s influencing powers to change national policy and regulation;


(c)  That the Board’s endorsement be provided to ensuring that digital solutions to assess and alleviate fuel poverty do not lead to further marginalisation and exclusion of those most in need.