Issue - decisions

Leeds City Council's Climate Emergency Response

16/01/2020 - Climate Emergency Update

Further to Minute No. 202, 17th April 2019, the Director of Resources and Housing submitted a report presenting an update on the progress which had been made since the Climate Emergency declaration by the Council in March 2019. The report also detailed and sought approval of the proposed targets and related actions aimed at achieving the Council’s and the city’s ambitions in this area.


Members welcomed the submitted report and whilst the progress made in addressing the Climate Emergency by Leeds was acknowledged, the need to continue this ambitious programme of work was highlighted.


The scale of the public consultation undertaken to date, together with the ongoing engagement with a range of sectors and partners was also acknowledged, with emphasis being placed upon the need to continue such an inclusive approach. Members also highlighted the need to continue to make representations to Government about the establishment of further local powers and freedoms to help address this emergency.


Emphasis was also placed upon the importance of meeting the challenge of progressing the climate emergency agenda, whilst at the same time further promoting inclusive growth across the city, in order to continue to support the most vulnerable.


Members reiterated the need to ensure that in addition to working cohesively with partners and the various sectors across Leeds, the Council needed to ensure that the cross-directorate relationships within the Authority worked together to effectively progress this agenda.


In conclusion, it was highlighted that further detailed discussions would be undertaken on the Climate Emergency during the forthcoming ‘State of the City’ event.



(a)  That an £800,000 injection of Capital to retrofit 7 Council buildings, be approved;


(b)  That the target to move to 100% electricity provided by green sources immediately through entering into a power purchase agreement with the ambition to continually move to more locally produced renewables over the next ten years, be approved;


(c)  That the aim to remove payment for the use of staff petrol and diesel cars by 2025, be approved;


(d)  That the target to buy only low emission fleet vehicles by 2025, be approved;


(e)  That the vision, principles, targets and investment plan for the emerging ‘Connecting Leeds’ Transport Strategy, be endorsed;


(f)  That the ‘asks’ to national government to support the action required by the government, as summarised in Annex 1 to the submitted report, to achieve ‘net zero’, be endorsed;


(g)  That a report be submitted to the Board in June 2020 regarding the proposed White Rose Forest Strategy for Leeds.