Issue - decisions

Quality of services for adults and older people, including CQC Inspection Outcomes (May – Sept 2019)

14/02/2020 - The Quality of CQC Regulated Services operating in the Leeds City Council boundary

The Director of Adults and Health submitted a report detailing the progress which had been made in achieving and sustaining an improved trend in the quality of regulated services operating within the Council boundary. In addition, the report set out the work which was being undertaken within the Adults and Health directorate and with wider partners to ensure improvements in the quality of services were being maintained and provided details of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection outcomes for social care providers since 2017.


Members welcomed the content of the submitted report, with emphasis being placed upon the need to continue to promote and embed good practice in such services. A Member also specifically highlighted the positive work being undertaken in respect of Home Care provision.


In conclusion, on behalf of the Board, officers undertook to thank those teams who had been involved in the supportive actions taken to improve the quality of care provided in the independent sector.



(a)  That the steady improvement made in the quality of the regulated care sector as a result of the Council’s focused action, be noted;


(b)  That it be noted that the Best Council Plan target of 80% of all CQC regulated care services be rated as ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ has now been met and exceeded;


(c)  That it be noted that the Deputy Director of Integrated Commissioning will be responsible for continuing the work throughout the next year, with partners, to raise the quality of regulated adult social care services in the city;


(d)  That on behalf of the Board, officers be requested to thank those teams who have been involved in the supportive actions taken to improve the quality of care provided in the independent sector.