Issue - decisions

Agreement with Highways England relating to the Provision of a Grant to Fund M62 Junction 28 MOVA Improvement Works

06/03/2020 - Agreement with Highways England relating to the Provision of a Grant to Fund M62 Junction 28 MOVA Improvement Works

The Chief Officer (Highways & Transportation) is requested to:


i)  Noted the contents of the previously agreed Highways Board reports in relation to the improvement works at M62 Junction 27 & 28;

ii)  Agreed that the Director of City Development is authorised to allow LCC to enter into a Grant Agreement with Highways England to fully fund the MOVA works at M62 Junction 28;

iii)  Approved an injection of £581,000 into the City Development Capital Programme to be fully funded by Highways England;

iv)  Gave authority to incur expenditure of £581,000 costs to be fully funded by Highways England;

v)  Gave authority to complete the detailed design and implement the MOVA works at M62 Junction 28;

vi)  Approved that the decisions of the Board in respect of this report be exempted from the Call In process, for those reasons as detailed in paragraph 4.5.2.