Issue - decisions

Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme: A660 Signals Upgrade Weetwood to Headingley

28/05/2020 - Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme: A660 Signals Upgrade Weetwood to Headingley

The Director of City Development has taken the following delegated decisions following the £173.5m Executive Board approval in June 2017:

a)  Approved the injections of S106 Developer contributions of £326,016 for the A660 Headingley to Weetwood signals upgrade scheme.

b)  Approved the expenditure of £1.25m from the Connecting Leeds programme to construct the A660 Headingley to Weetwood signals upgrade scheme, subject to detail design approval which is delegated to the Chief Officer for Highways and Transportation.

c)  Noted that, subject to ongoing consultation with the Executive Member for Climate Change, Transport and Sustainable Development as appropriate, the Chief Officer, Highways & Transportation will approve the final version of the designs for construction after further consultation with stakeholders and Members.