Issue - decisions

Request to undertake a direct award to Housing 21, in accordance with CPR 9.5, to deliver a five year contract for the provision of extra care services at Box Tree Court, Boston Spa

21/02/2020 - Request to undertake a direct award to Housing 21, in accordance with CPR 9.5, to deliver a five year contract for the provision of extra care services at Box Tree Court, Boston Spa

The Director of Adults and Health approved the direct award of this contract in accordance with CPR 9.5 to Housing 21 and awarded a five year contract for the provision of care services at the extra care scheme located at Box Tree Court, Boston Spa.
The outcome of the recommendation to award a contract will be presented as a significant operational decision. The contract itself will be for £100, with a potential income of £480,792.00 payable to the provider through direct payments and/or managed budgets over the lifetime of the contract.
The contract is to commence from 1st April 2020 and end 31st March 2025, though these dates may be adjusted dependent on scheme completion and launch schedule.