Issue - decisions

Provision of the Artifax Event V4 Room Booking Solution

17/03/2020 - Provision of the Artifax Event V4 Room Booking Solution

The Chief Officer Culture & Sport, City Development approved a waiver of CPR’s 8.1 and 8.2 and awarded a new contract to Artifax Ltd for the provision of the Artifax Event V4 Room Booking Solution for a period of 3 years from 16/03/2020 to 15/03/2023 with options to extend for two further periods of 12 months.

The total cost of the initial 3 year contract will be £46,148.00:
• Year 1: £24,306 (Implementation, licencing, platform fee, migration and support & maintenance)
• Year 2: 10,921 (Licencing, platform fee, support & maintenance)
• Year 3: 10,921 (Licencing, platform fee, support & maintenance)