Issue - decisions

COVID-19 Update

28/05/2020 - Update on Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic – Response and Recovery Plan

Further to Minute No. 161, 22nd April 2020, the Chief Executive submitted a report providing an update on the coronavirus (COVID-19) related work across the city, being driven by the response and recovery plan, as previously reported to the Board. The report provided information on organisational issues arising from the pandemic as well as a citywide update, and noted that the response and recovery plan aimed to mitigate the effects of the outbreak on those in the city, especially the most vulnerable, and prepare for the early stages of recovery. The report also noted that the city’s multi-agency command and control arrangements were set within the national approach and guidance from the Government, plus the context of resilience and health partnership arrangements at a West Yorkshire level, and the Combined Authority.


With the agreement of the Chair, the submitted report had been circulated to Board Members as a late item of business prior to the meeting for the reasons as set out in section 9.1 of the submitted report, and as detailed in Minute No. 166.


In introducing the submitted report and providing an update on the current position, the Leader, on behalf of the Board, extended her thanks to all of those involved in the development and implementation of the response and recovery plan to date, including the continued delivery of detailed communications with all relevant parties. The Chief Executive reiterated such comments, paying tribute to all those who continued to deliver services across the city in response to the pandemic. 


Members discussed and received further information on a number of issues, including:-

·  The national role being undertaken by the Chief Executive with regard to the programme of testing, tracing and containing the virus, with Members highlighting the need for appropriate procedures to be implemented in respect of this at a localised level;

·  The significant impact of the pandemic across a number of sectors. In response to enquiries regarding the hospitality sector, the Board was provided with information on the support being provided to that sector, with it being highlighted that provision of such support would be a key area of activity for the Council moving forward;

·  Responding to a Member’s comments regarding the delivery of formal meetings whilst social distancing measures remained in place, it was noted that formal meetings held remotely continued to take place and be scheduled, and that preparations were being made to deliver meetings which could potentially be attended both remotely and physically, however such physical attendance at meetings would not be introduced until Members felt it appropriate to do so, and that further Member discussions on such matters were required;

·  A Member highlighted the importance of the Council taking into consideration service users’ feedback and the outcomes from engagement processes when reviewing the Council’s response to the pandemic and the adapted delivery of services. Responding to such comments, the Board received updates on a number of service areas including those delivered in crematoria, the distribution of food in communities / the delivery of associated grants, and the delivery of actions addressing period poverty;

·  With regard to support for the agricultural sector, specific reference was made to the Council supported ‘Pick for Britain’ programme. Responding to a Member’s enquiry, officers undertook to provide the Member in question with further details on how the Council was engaging in this initiative;

·  Also, the Board received updates from several Executive Members regarding related matters within their respective portfolios. These included:-

-  Council decision making processes during the current period;

-  Communication processes established to ensure that local communities remained informed of the help and support available to them, with a number of specific examples being provided;

-  The current position within Care Homes in Leeds and the actions being taken to address the challenges which continued to be faced in this area, with specific tribute being paid to the work of frontline care workers during this time;

-  The monitoring of the health inequalities agenda;

-  The ongoing work aimed at delivering greater active travel provision, and the level of public engagement to date with the ‘Common Place’ platform.


In conclusion, the Chair highlighted the need for the Government to focus its efforts upon a more localised approach moving forward, with the key role of Local Authorities in such an approach being emphasised. 


Finally, on behalf of the Board, the Leader asked all Directors to relay thanks to their respective teams for their continued efforts throughout such challenging circumstances.



(a)  That the updated national context and local response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted;


(b)  That the updated Response and Recovery plan, which includes the updated aims and objectives, be agreed;


(c)  That the approach towards and messaging for running a safe city, as detailed within the submitted report, be agreed;


(d)  That the submitted report and the comments made in respect of it during the discussion be noted in context with the more detailed report on the financial implications of the Coronavirus pandemic for the Council, as presented within Minute No. 171;


(e)  That all Directors relay to their respective teams Members’ thanks for their continued efforts throughout such challenging circumstances
