Issue - decisions

Adoption Support Fund: Covid 19 Scheme

28/05/2020 - Adoption Support Fund: Covid 19 Scheme

The Head of One Adoption West Yorkshire agreed the following recommendations in relation to the Adoption Support Fund: Covid 19 Scheme

1. To receive income to the value of £311,263.02 from the Adoption Support Fund (ASF) Covid 19 Scheme to support Covid 19 activities across West Yorkshire. The Dept. for Education (DfE) funded scheme is additional ring-fenced money to provide an emergency response to the Covid 19 disruption to adoptive families and therefore does not add any additional pressures on the LCC budget

2. To approve expenditure of £311,263.02 on adoption support services via the following procurement and delivery routes

2 (i) - The invocation of Contract Procedure Rules 7.1 and 7.2 to award low value contracts direct to the following providers. The relevant Chief Officer believes that it represents Best Value for the Council to make these direct appointments

Provider Service Value
National Association of Therapeutic Parents (NATP) NATP annual membership £4,500
Relate Couples counselling to 20 families £10,000
Partnership Projects Online parent courses and additional support online £15,720
Neil Dowsland Attachment-Focused EMDR course £6,000
Total value of awards under CPR 7.1 and 7.2 is £36,220

2 (ii) - The waiver of Contract Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2 to award intermediate value contracts direct to the following providers for a period of 5 months from May 2020 – 30 Sept 2020

Provider Service Value
Grandparents Plus Membership £35,000
Grandparents Plus Support 2 x project workers for 3 days a week to a maximum value of £54,000 £54,000
Adoption UK AUK annual membership £30,000
Adoption UK Peer support £47,630
Total value of waivers under CPR 8.1 and 8.2 is £166,630

2 (iii) – Variation of contract DN402404 with Family Action to include enhanced telephone support and 4 x virtual support packages. The maximum value of the variation is £96,047.26. Contract DN402404 is a call off from the regional Independent Adoption Services framework contract DN330227, which was commissioned by North Yorkshire County Council on behalf of Yorkshire and the Humber regional adoption agencies

2 (iv) - In-house provision – non-commissioned:
- Provision of an agency social worker to backfill redeployed posts to the value of £12,365.76