Issue - decisions

The Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory approved the renewal of taxi and private hire vehicle licences without a vehicle inspection, and in limited cases, six months beyond the normal licence period of that vehicle

02/06/2020 - The Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory approved the renewal of taxi and private hire vehicle licences without a vehicle inspection, and in limited cases, six months beyond the normal licence period of that vehicle

To offer licence holders the chance to apply for a licence for the remaining period of their licence or for 1 year with a check of the vehicle’s inspection and MOT history and if that history is acceptable, request for a new MOT instead of a vehicle inspection.
To offer licence holders whose vehicle would normally be at the end of its licence period, a further 6 months licencing, with a check of the vehicle’s inspection and MOT history and if that history is acceptable, request for a new MOT instead of a vehicle inspection.