Issue - decisions

To modify the existing Leeds Interim Framework Agreement (DN355373) to provide support and accommodation for care leavers and vulnerable young people (16-25 years).

14/07/2020 - To modify the existing Leeds Interim Framework Agreement (DN355373) to provide support and accommodation for care leavers and vulnerable young people (16-25 years).

To modify the existing Leeds Interim Framework Agreement  (DN355373) to support Leeds City Council in its statutory duty to provide support and accommodation for care leavers and vulnerable young people (16-25 years).


To invoke Contracts Procedure Rules 10 and 21.6 to modify the end date of the existing Leeds Interim Framework Agreement with providers delivering support and accommodation for care leavers and vulnerable young people (16-25 years). The Leeds Interim Framework Agreement commenced on 19/12/2018 to 31/01/2020 with the opportunity for an extension to 31/07/2020 undertaken, there are no further opportunities to extend.

This modification to the Leeds Interim Leeds Framework Agreement will be for the period of 8-months from 01/08/2020 to 31/03/2021. It is anticpated that this is likely to be in the region of £1.5m.

The provision under the Public Contract Regulation 72(1) ( c) sets out the conditions required to allow the extension or modification of an existing contract can take place without a new procurement procedure.

The requirement for the modification to the Leeds Interim Framework Agreement has been brought about by circumstances which the local authority could not have foreseen, COVID-19, and does not change the overall nature of the framework; to deliver quality placements for our children looked after and care leavers (16-25 years).  The increase in price does not exceed 50% of the value of the original contract.