Issue - decisions

Meeting the Adult and Health Directorate’s business intelligence requirements

23/06/2020 - Meeting the Adult and Health Directorate’s business intelligence requirements

a) The Director of Adults and Health noted that following a corporate review the functional structure for the directorate’s intelligence and policy resources will be assimilated within the Adults and Health Directorate. These will be incorporated within the responsibilities of the Head of Performance and Improvement who has shared accountabilities with the Children and Families Directorate. Business intelligence is required to inform its business valued at £207m (40% of the council’s net expenditure) and to deliver savings of £5.9m to mitigate demand pressures in financial year 2020/21.

b) The Director of Adults and Health noted the production of new automated resources offering the opportunity for more timely, disseminated bespoke business intelligence and better performance management whilst generating £135,222 of direct financial savings per annum, £82,000 of this within the Business Support Service. This will require new business and support arrangements to ensure the system meets and continues to reflect changing business requirements.

c) The Director of Adults and Health gave authority to approve the release of 2 permanent full time posts created through available funds within the employee budget.