Issue - decisions

CityConnect Phase 3: Elland Road - Exercise of Statutory Powers including Traffic Regulation Order Advertisement and creation of Cycle Tracks

30/06/2020 - CityConnect Phase 3: Elland Road - Exercise of Statutory Powers including Traffic Regulation Order Advertisement and creation of Cycle Tracks

The Chief Officer, Highways & Transportation:
i) noted and approved the general layout of the Elland Road scheme as shown on the attached drawings (TM-00-472-01-01/02/03/04/05) and noted that any revisions developed through TRO consultation will be reported back to the Chief Officer in a future report;
ii) requested the City Solicitor to advertise Traffic Regulation Orders as detailed on drawings TM-00-472-TRO-01 and, subject to no objections being received, to make and seal the orders as advertised; and
iii) approved with reference to the powers contained in Section 66(4) of the Highways Act 1980, that the relevant lengths of footway shown on attached drawings (TM-00-472-01-01/02/03/04/05) as proposed cycle tracks are removed and that following the removal of the footways, cycle tracks are constructed under the powers contained under the provisions of section 65(1) of the Highways Act 1980 for segregated or shared joint use by pedal cyclists and pedestrians.