Issue - decisions

Update on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic - Response and Recovery Plan

05/10/2020 - Update on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic - Response and Recovery Plan

Further to Minute No. 21, 20th July 2020, the Chief Executive submitted a report which provided an update on the continued Coronavirus (COVID-19) work being undertaken across the city including the recovery approach, outbreak management, and current issues and risks. The report also noted that the city’s multi-agency command and control arrangements continued to be used alongside the Response and Recovery plan with the aim of mitigating the effects of the outbreak on those in the city, especially the most vulnerable, and to help prepare for the longer term stages of recovery planning.


With the agreement of the Chair, the submitted report had been circulated to Board Members as a late item of business prior to the meeting for the reasons as set out in section 9 of the submitted report, and as detailed in Minute No. 33.


By way of introduction to the report, the Chair paid tribute on behalf of the Board to Council officers, all partners, the community and Councillors for the continued work being undertaken right across the city to address the challenges continuing to be faced as a result of the pandemic.


Members were provided with an update on the latest developments, both locally and nationally which had occurred since the publication of the submitted report, which included the introduction of new national restrictions, the launch of the NHS Covid-19 App and the current position regarding testing provision. The Board also received an update regarding the latest infection rates in Leeds, with it being noted that Members and relevant parties would continue to be kept informed of any developments or announcements from Government which impacted upon the city.


Emphasis was also placed upon the unprecedented challenges that the Council and the city continued to face and the ‘asks’such as funding, improved testing and more local contact tracing, which were being made to Government to help address such challenges.  Members also reiterated the crucial role played by local government and partners in such circumstances and the benefits that a localised approach could often provide. Regarding the approach being taken in Leeds, emphasis was placed upon the need to ensure that the correct balance was struck between preventing infection whilst at the same time also looking to maintain people’s broader health and wellbeing needs.


In addition, it was noted that communication continued with neighbouring Local Authorities in order to ensure that a partnership approach was being taken, whilst Members also received information on the work being undertaken across a range of sectors, including care homes, schools and work places to address the specific challenges within those settings.


In conclusion, the Chair reiterated the unprecedented financial challenges that the Council continued to face and the importance of a cross-party approach being taken when making representations to Government for further support. Also, emphasis was placed upon the key importance of ensuring that clear communications and messaging on the current regulations to all communities in Leeds was consistently delivered.



(a)  That the updated context, progress and issues as we move into a new phase of dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic,  as detailed within the submitted report, be noted;


(b)  That the emerging issues for consideration during the next phase of recovery, including the new school and university term, winter pressures, and the concurrent pressure of EU exit, be noted;


(c)  That the need for new levels of engagement with the public, and everybody taking ownership of the need to be safe and responsible in order to reduce levels of transmission and avoid further restrictions, be recognised;


(d)  That in respect of the financial implications for the Council arising from the Coronavirus pandemic, the contents of the submitted report be used as context when the Board considers the more detailed financial health monitoring report, as detailed at Minute No. 41.