Issue - decisions

Approval to install renewable energy generation and other energy efficiency measures across the Council's corporate estate subject to receipt of Government grant funding

29/10/2020 - Approval to install renewable energy generation and other energy efficiency measures across the Council's corporate estate subject to receipt of Government grant funding

The Director of Resources & Housing:

a)  Approved the submission of a series of funding applications to the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme, noting that individual authority to procure and contract award decisions will be taken in accordance with the Director’s delegations/sub-delegation scheme, and with signature of grant agreements for schemes where funding applications are successful delegated to the Chief Officer (Sustainable Energy & Air Quality);

b)  Approved an injection into the capital programme and authority to spend to the value of up to £25m for the delivery of these renewable energy and energy efficiency schemes, with the precise values of individual schemes to be determined through the process of finalising Salix applications and incorporated into the capital programme accordingly where funding is successfully secured;

c)  Approved the above recommendations ahead of the expiry of the full 28 day forward notification period via the List of Forthcoming Decisions, noting that the decision report will still be published for 5 clear working days prior to the decision being taken (in accordance with General Exception rules). This is on the basis of how time critical engaging suppliers is in terms of the ability to deliver schemes within the required deadlines, and the risk that this represents to the Council securing funding;

d)  Approved an exemption from call-in for the reasons stated in c) above.