Issue - decisions

Waiver of CPR 8 and request to vary the end date of the current contractual arrangements with 3GS UK Limited in line with CPR 21 (for the issuing of Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN’s) in relation to the City Centre Environmental Enforcement contract for 2

29/10/2020 - Waiver of CPR 8 and request to vary the end date of the current contractual arrangements with 3GS UK Limited in line with CPR 21 (for the issuing of Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN’s) in relation to the City Centre Environmental Enforcement contract for 2

The Chief Officer for Environmental Services:
noted the content of this report and (i) waived CPR 8 and approve the use of CPR 21 to vary the end date of the existing contract and (ii) approved the appointment of 3GS UK Limited for the issuing of Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN’s) in relation to the city centre environmental enforcement work for a period of 2 x 6 months from 01/12/2020. Details of net value of this contract are based on income and are considered exempt under access to information rules 10.4 (3) is provided at Appendix 2.