Issue - decisions

Approval to direct award a new contract on behalf of the Yorkshire and Humber Public Services Network (YHPSN) to NYnet Ltd (NYnet) for the migration, hosting, support and management of the Govroam national roaming Wi-Fi service

25/11/2020 - Approval to direct award a new contract on behalf of the Yorkshire and Humber Public Services Network (YHPSN) to NYnet Ltd (NYnet) for the migration, hosting, support and management of the Govroam national roaming Wi-Fi service

a) The Chief Digital and Information Officer approved the award of a contract to NYnet Ltd. in the sum of £48,000 (annually), £144,000 (over the three year term). The contract shall commence on 1st October 2020 and expire on 30th September 2023, at the end of the term the contract renews on a 12 month basis providing the YHPSN don’t cancel, we also have the option to renegotiate and extend for a further three years if required.
b) The recommendation is made on the grounds that the YHPSN collaboration work together to secure a favourable deal for the region by procuring the Govroam service on behalf of the partnership. NYCC as a partner of the YHPSN will now provide the service through their own IT service provider (NYnet Ltd.), replacing the current arrangements with JISC and Doncaster and Bassetlaw NHS FT.